Posted in Breastplate, Fairies, Five Minute Fridays, Religious Deception, Spirituality

The Kiss Of Truth


God’s Thoughts to Me

Mercy and truth have met together. Righteousness and peace have kissed (Psalm 85:10, NLT).

Victorious Truth


In the universe of Eternity where the dwarves are mining diamonds, and fairies transform them into fairy dust of love and truth, the Knights of Grace and the Archers of Mercy, bow down before the King of Righteousness.

The whole Kingdom is enveloped by a hushed silence of unspeakable sorrow and grief.

The Queen of Peace and her valiant shield maidens enter the Throne Room with reverence, beholding the glory of the King. He extends His right hand to His queen, kissing her with such tenderness.


The King sighed deeply, “King Leviathan of the Kingdom of Lies has commanded the Mollusk Knights of his giant army of squids to ambush the minds of inhabitants of earth.

They received the devilish command to inject their poison of lies, hatred and religious deception into the thoughts of man.

Most of the leaders of the human armies have already kissed the feet of the King of Greed and Power who has sold his kingdom to King Leviathan 2000 years ago for thirty pieces of silver”.

Anguished sighs of pain filled the Throne Room, the air pregnant with valor as fairies transform the tear drops of humanity into fiery arrows for the archers.


The King continues, “My time has not yet come to return to my precious ones, those whom I have created so long ago to be the crown of my creation.

There are still a few of my saints who refuse to capitulate and are at all times dressed in the armor my Son has provided with His blood.

They are always girded with the belt of truth, they never take off the body armor of My righteousness, their feet are strong with sandals of peace.


Even though they wear their helmets of salvation, they also carry their shields of faith to stop the fiery, poisonous arrows of lies.

But they need our help to save the thousands who are drowning in the sea of lies transported by King Leviathan to their earth.

The squid soldiers are taking thousands of my loved ones at once and inject their minds with their religious black ink of deadly deception.


Baptize your armory in the the fire of my Love and Truth. You will be accompanied by my army of fireflies who are shining with the light of my Glory.

They will show you the way into the darkest soul. They will scatter crumbs of starlight to lead the lost ones home.”

Much love and sweet blessings


Exhaustion, pain, Fibrofog and five minutes don’t walk hand in hand. It took me a lot more than five minutes today. Sorry!




I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

73 thoughts on “The Kiss Of Truth

    1. Dear David
      Yes, we can sometime tell truth much easier in a story. Even Jesus did that for He knew that some would understand as the truth was revealed to their hearts, but some never would.
      Blessings XX

  1. Mia, your allegory was not missed by many of us. The passage from the Psalms you quoted was used by the Lord to show me that I had so much farther to grow. I had truth with no mercy and as a result no righteousness (other than my own) and surely NO peace. So as I realized the problem I asked an old saint I knew about my situation and he said, “These only meet together and kiss IN Christ.” As we are found IN Christ and not in ourselves these things all come into a blessed unity.
    So, I set out to be conformed into His image and likeness and what a journey it has been. He first stripped me down to nothing to the point that I did not know any “truth” in and of myself. Then He over many years started to put me back together as HE saw fit until I longed for His mercy, mercy that I formerly showed no one.. until I saw that the only Truth is found by living in the Son and the only righteousness and peace we can have within belongs to Him alone and shares it with us as we are found IN Him and not ourselves.
    Remember, all the suffering you are now and have been going through is bringing forth the glory of His Son in you, dear sister. As you rest in Him, even in your sufferings, you are made a blessing to the rest of us in the fellowship of HIS sufferings.

    1. Dear Michael
      This is the greatest truth we need to remember, my brother. Everything our Pappa promises is in our Lord Jesus. All His promises is a yes and amen in Jesus. And this is something alive, breathing, living etc. Not a doctrine, or fact or something lifeless! What a joy to live and breathe and have our being in Jesus and Him alone. Thanks for your visit, dear friend. It takes us all some time to experience this as the living relationship it truly is.
      Blessings XX

  2. It’s another indication that reality has not truly changed. We still, daily, deal with the enemy that is filling the hearts of so many, and they simply do not realize what the consequence can be, both momentarily and forever. You shared very clearly and beautifully, as usual. Thank you much.

    1. Dear Joanne
      Yes, not much has changed. Remember when John has warned us in his time that many anti-Christ’s were already working with their deception. Actually he started in the Garden of Eden.
      Much love XX

  3. Have you ever thought of writing a novel with these biblical metaphors as your characters? You have such a captivating way to tell a story and unfold truth all at the same time, Mia. Thanks for the way you’ve painted not just a picture but a “movie” for us today (well, and every day!). Hugs to you!

    1. Dear Beth
      It is very hard for me to write even this short story with the impaired concentration span of the Fm/ME. Maybe one day if Pappa allows my mind to work a bit better!
      Blessings XX

  4. Mia, my friend, have you ever considered writing an adult fairy tale based in Truth? You have such a masterful way with this type of genre. Thanks again for another great story. Blessings of health and peace to you, sweet sister…

    1. Dear Sheila no, dear friend, with Fibrofog I think it will take me about 100 years to write just one. These short ones fit me much better. Thanks for your compliment.
      Blessings XX

    1. Our talents are as much a gift from our Pappa’s hands as are our blue/brown eyes. What a joy to use it for His glory!
      Blessings XX

  5. I am so grateful that when I read my Bible, it speaks Truth to me (with a capital ‘T’) – and that I am able to trust the words, and the Logos, my Jesus.

    I’d like to see an army of fireflies…


    1. Dear Sharon
      I cannot wait to see the beauty of the new earth and new heaven our Lord Jesus is making without the presence of sin. Can you just imagine how beautiful it is going to be!
      Blessings XX

  6. Mia…I read this this morning before my feet ever hit the floor. It made for a sweet devotional. Thank you for sharing it at WJIM Monday’s Musings. And I’m praying for your comfort and healing friend. Blessings.

    1. Dear Naomi
      Stories can sometimes give so much flavor and substance to truth. Our Lord Jesus was also a great story teller!
      Blessings XX

  7. Mia, I came to visit after your visit to my blog. Your writings are a blessing! May you always cherish the gift of His Word flowing through you. (An aside, relate all too well to the fibrofog — a long story and one that has improved with age.)

    1. Dear Sherry
      Thanks for returning my visit. I am glad to hear you are doing so much better with the Fibro. It can be a difficult foe to battle, my friend!
      Blessings XX

  8. I just love the way you write and share the truth dear Mia. Will be praying for healing and strength.. Rest in Daddy’s arms my dear sister!

    1. Hi Natasha
      Oh, this is the best place to be; safe in our Pappa’s arms. Thanks for encouraging me with your sweet comment, my sister!
      Blessings XX

  9. Yes, yes, dear Mia. Righteousness and peace are kissing cousins. May you feel the Savior’s loving embrace around you, peace flowing into you during these days when your body isn’t cooperating with your spirit.

    1. Dear Linda
      Oh yes, my friend, righteousness and peace are kissing only in our Lord Jesus. That is why it is so wonderful to abide in Him.
      Blessings XX

    1. Hi Lisa
      Oh, I just love stories. I still love to listen to children’s stories and can become so much part of the characters.

    1. Dear Nancy
      Oh, I think the whole world is filled with stories of broken people.but that is why Jesus came; to seek and save the lost! Thanks for your prayers, my friend.
      Blessnings XX

  10. Oh sweet Mia; I hope you are feeling better dear friend! You are such an inspiration constantly showing your shield of faith and trust in the Lord. While the enemy wants to destroy us with his lies and deception, we know that all we have to do is pick up our shield and let the armor of God be our protection.

    Blessings and love Mia; praying for you sister,

    1. Dear Denise
      Yes, my friend, I think of the armor as abiding always in our Lord, the Victor who already overcame the evil one! Staying in Him, makes us more than conquerers.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Lisha
      I think my imagination is also still about twelve years old. It irritates my husband to bits when I listen to all the children stories on the radio! I just love them.
      Blessings XX

  11. Mia, so sorry to hear you’ve been in fibro-fog. You have done a great job on this post despite not feeling well! What a creative way to discuss spiritual armor!

    I do believe the main way the enemy tries to de-rail us is by speaking lies to our minds. May we keep that armor on to deflect those lies.

    1. Dear Jerralea
      You are spot on with this one, my friend. The evil one is the father of all lies and he dug many inroads in our minds through the years. Thanks for visiting!
      Blessings XX

  12. Hi Mia! You did a great job with the subject of ‘truth’. We really do need to make sure that our truth is in line with the Lord. Baptizing the armor in truth and love will keep us on track for sure!

    I always really appreciate the artwork you put onto your posts. They are so lovingly picked out for all of us to enhance your message. You are really good at that.

    I hope you can rest this weekend, knowing the truth of God’s love for you.

    1. Dear Ceil
      You are so right. There are many “truths” doing the rounds, but there is only one Truth, and that is Jesus, Himself!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Barbie
      Thank you for your prayers, my friend! But in everything we can always experience our Pappa’s joy which is our strength!
      Blessings XX

  13. Oh Mia, my dear, I love this uplifting truth. And it breaks my heart to know that you’re in pain, but blessed to read your response to God’s thought to you. Victorious truth indeed! Praying for you…

    1. Dear Tanya
      I have learned to ask our Lord to carry my pain, sweet friend, and He does just that. He carries the bulk if this cross and me the rest!
      Blessings XX

  14. You are an amazing story-teller of truth. May the pain subside soon for Mia, do it Lord, may your kingdom come in her body!

    1. Dear Rachel
      I always ask like Jesus that Pappa who knows best will glorify Himself through everything that happens to me! Thanks for the encouragement.
      Blessings XX

  15. Mia, I am so sorry to hear how you are fighting pain and fatigue once more. Yet I am awed, amazed and delighted at what God has crafted through your faithful hands and vividly creative holy imagination. What riches pour from your heart. Such imagery and thoughts to set our own imaginations on fire! You may feel weak, my friend but your words are powerful. This is a glorious reminder to keep our shields of faith high, ensure our armour is on each day and battle on to “save the thousands who are drowning in the sea of lies”. Thank you! Blessings, love and prayers for your recovery 🙂 Xx

    1. Dear Joy
      We who live with chronic illnesses daily know so well that we cannot take one step without our suit of armor! I have found that to give my spirit in Pappa’s hand each day, asking Him to glorify His name, gives me all the grace and strength I need for everyday!
      Blessings XX

  16. Dear Mia,
    What a creative way to discuss putting on the belt of truth mentioned in Eph. 6…So grateful for how Jesus came to be Truth embodied…to show us what God’s love looks like…praying you are well…hope your youngest’s math exams went well 🙂 Blessings in His peace and love to you and yours 🙂

    1. Dear Dolly
      Yes, thanks, Andreas has finished his first year. I cannot believe time has gone by so quickly. Pappa has blessed him with a good holiday job. Jesus is our everything; even our suit of amor.
      Blessings XX

  17. Thank you, Mia, for sharing this truly inspired work of (He)art with us.

    So many profound observations here. I’m particularly drawn to your words, “…as fairies transformed the tear drops of humanity into fiery arrows for the archers…” Amen! What a lovely image of how God redeems our pain, using it to kindle a passion for His Grace in our hearts.

    Love that He planted me as your next-door neighbor at Faith Filled Friday today…

    God bless you!

    P.S. In the words of my post-title, Mia: “You’re an overcomer!” Hallelujah!

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