Posted in False Prophets, Foxes, Garden of my Heart, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Jesus Christ, Marriage, Our Heavenly Bridegroom, Playdates at the Wellspring, Relationship vs Religion, Religious Deceptions, Shulamite, Song of Songs, Spirituality, The Love of God

The Shulamite and the Foxes


God’s Thoughts to me

Catch all the foxes, those little foxes, before they ruin the vineyard of love, for the grapevines are blossoming! (Song of Songs 2:15, NLT).

Fox Hunting


Through the years I have been walking with God, I have often been harassed by the little foxes from the Song of Songs. They have been so persistent with their gnawing and pestering of my thoughts.

I realised the time was ripe for me to chase and catch these little rascals. Little did I realise how cunning these creatures could be! I started to plan my battle strategies on how to fight and conquer these hard-to-destroy-grapevine-loving cute little pests by doing some research.


My expert advisors, the Bible scholars, seemed to agree on one thing, at least. These, not so little foxes, represent all the false preachers, prophets and teachers of a different gospel.

Our Lord Jesus warned us, ” On judgement day many will say to me,’ Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply,’I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.” (Matthew 7:22-23, NLT).


My advisors nearly convinced me through the letter Paul wrote to Timothy, ” Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons. These people are hypocrites and liars, and their consciences are dead.” (1 Timothy 4:1-2, NLT).

But I knew, although these gentlemen were spot-on with their analysis, this battle, for me, had to be fought on a much deeper level; on the only battleground my enemies were able to destroy; my heart and soul.


So, I fired my clever, highly esteemed advisors and asked our Lord Jesus to be the Commander-in-Chief of my whole life; a position He gladly wanted to fill since forever, and to show me the best plan of action against these potential soul destroyers.

At the time King Solomon wrote this beautiful song, vineyards had protective walls built around them against all the unwelcome visitors. The foxes would dig holes in the vineyard, spoiling the roots of the vines, gnawing and breaking the tender, little branches and leaves.


These gluttonous, little creatures were not interested in the flowers, they wanted the juicy grapes, especially when they were young and tender. Then my ever-so-romantic mind’s eye caught sight of the Shulamite and her King! To be specific, the love relationship between the two.

It is a relationship of love; not a doctrine, teaching, a charismatic speaker nor all the things we associate with the modus operandi of the modern church scene. The foxes are those great and little enemies and adverse circumstances that threaten to gnaw and destroy their blooming, tender love!


I knew it was time for me to take stock to discover how many of these little foxes I allowed to freely roam and destroy the vineyard of my heart. I knew I had no means to fight against these formidable foes.

But I remembered that only our Pappa God is mighty to save, I recalled His words, “Listen all you people … ‘Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15, NLT).


My heart jumped with joy when I realised our Lord Jesus was my Knight in shining armour and together we made a mean team, just like Lancelot and Lady Guinevere. He was more than able and prepared to destroy this foe that was preventing my heart from producing the delicious fruit of love and trust, He so greatly desired.

Together we first had to identify and destroy this big army of little foxes’ commander-in-chief, Brigadier-General Work-To-Earn-God’s-Love. What a despicable liar this one was! We overcame this fellow easily, once I allowed our Lord Jesus to counteract his lies with truth.


Once he was slain, his whole army of well-trained soldiers started to crumble. Lieutenant Good Works and Sergeant Shame put up a good fight, but quickly raised the white flag when they saw my Commander-in-Chief! Their whole platoon of privates soon followed suit; private Guilt, private Condemnation, private Rejection, Anger, etc., etc.

Of their once mighty army, only a few mercenaries remained, but I knew that as long as I didn’t willingly hire their services, they would leave me well alone. They know the battle belongs to the Lord and that makes them tremble with fear.

Our King of kings destroyed all their shelters of wood, hay and stubble. Now, if I just spy one of them on the horizon, I run to my Strong Tower and Place of Refuge, into our Lord’s loving embrace.


We daily encounter many of these nasty little foxes and foes who want to lock us in shackles of despair. We have to fight many battles and it can be downright horrible, but as we allow the sweet Holy Spirit to teach us how to abide in our Lord Jesus, we only need to submit to our Pappa and resist the evil ones!

As we live in His Love, moment-by-moment, we can confidently say with Paul, “Neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” (Romans 8:35).


Living life is a fine balancing act in a world lost in chaos and darkness, filled with many foxy foes. Let us therefore fix our eyes on our only Commander-in-Chief, our dearest Lord Jesus.

Hugs and sweet blessings


Linking-up with



Please check my Tea Time and Link-Ups page for the blogs where I link during the week.
This is an edited repost from the archives.


I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

48 thoughts on “The Shulamite and the Foxes

  1. The foxes and the vine is one of my most loved parable type pictures of little sins ruining our well, anything. Thanks for linking up at Thrilling Thursday Mia!

  2. I have been victim to my share of little foxes, Mia. Thank you for this beautiful reminder to keep those critters at bay! Love your descriptive storytelling, my sister.

  3. Mia, as always, your imagery and perspective capture me. The little foxes are indeed alive and kicking… but not for long. A mighty fortress is our God, the God of Angel Armies. Victory is ours!

    1. Hi Alison
      I love how they know our Lord has already defeated them. That is why we only have to submit to our Victor, resist these critters and they will flee from us.
      Blessings XX

  4. Thank you for sharing our heart. I am visiting you today from the link up with Rachel Wojo. I enjoy your style of writing and the honesty that I felt throughout the blog. Many blessings to you and your journey away from the foxes toward your Pappa God.

  5. this battle, for me, had to be fought on a much deeper level; on the only battleground my enemies were able to destroy; my heart and soul.

    Your words are spot on, Mia. Thanks for sharing with such enthusiasm giving hope to all who read this. Bless you…

  6. I love this! Such beautiful imagery of the love God has for us and the victory we have in Christ! Found you at Upward Not Inward. Thank you for this!

  7. Mia – Although I have seen this post previous to today, I was again blessed to read this today. The images that you included are beautiful in the midst of your story telling. Thank you for sharing this!

  8. Our Bible teachers always told us to check what we hear with the Word of God. If it is weird, it is not God. The little foxes of fear, doubt and unbelief will haunt us and they will be vanquished as we call upon Jesus to continually fill us with his Holy spirit and lead us according to His will. Thank you for sharing at “Tell Me a Story.” You have blessed us today!

  9. This made me smile and want to shout with cheers of triumph, Mia! Thanks so much for sharing your victories so we can all celebrate with you and have hope as we continually fight the good fight!

    1. Hi Rachel
      Yes, it is not an easy fight, but a very good one indeed (or like Missy always says, indeedy). Our Lord has already triumphed over these enemies and they know it.
      Blessings XX

  10. I love your description and your desire to follow Truth. Thanks for all the photos to capture my imagination!

    Thanks for reminding us to rest in the power of the Holy Spirit!

    Blessings on your Tuesday!

  11. Stopping by from Behind the Scenes. Love your blog and love your drive to seek truth. People so often talk the talk and don’t walk the walk. If I were standing next to you I would hug you for chasing down those foxes 🙂 “…the battle is not yours, but God’s.” Humans so quickly forget they are not in control God is. Great post!

    1. Dear Jenny
      Yes, we are so helpless to fight this battle on our own and neither should we. We are not capable to stand up against this mighty army, but we can look to our Lord to whom the battle belongs to in any case!
      Blessings XX

  12. Hi Mia, you have no idea how timely this post is. I have been listening to someone spout a lot of “stuff” lately and inside it just did not feel right. Yesterday God sent someone who refuted what this person said, and gave biblical back-up, and now this morning I read your post. I love how God shows when the info is from HIM and opposed to some other source. Great post my friend
    God bless

    1. Hi Tracy
      That uncomfortable feeling you had, dear friend, was surely our Pappa warning you to watch out for those ravenous wolves posing as a sheep.
      Blessings XX

  13. Hi Dear Mia, I’m coming by way of True Stories. Another wonderful, thought and prayer provoking post. “Living life is a fine balancing act in a world lost in chaos and darkness”. . . sooooo true! I always enjoy reading all the other comments too when I visit.

  14. Hi Mia! I am coming to you from Playdates.

    This is a joyful story! The images were just so gorgeous too. We have to watch out for those foxes, don’t we??

    Thank you for your always well-done posts 🙂

  15. You did it again, Mia – put a wonderful story (read ‘story filled with wonder’) around the verse and lesson – I’m with Markus; I could feel your joy in the writing and it lifted my spirit as well. Foxes are tricksters, too – cute, little, gluttonous, pesky creatures…. Maybe there’s a story about appearances deceiving in here as well…. Thanks for the smile today.

    1. Dear Janet
      Appearances can be sooooo misleading! That is why I think our Lord Jesus told us to check out the fruit of a person’s life!
      Blessings XX

  16. Yes, dear Michael
    Just like a bride leaning on the arm of her groom, we have to lean on the arm of our Heavenly Bridegroom for everything, but it is so wonderful, knowing that He always walks beside us with never ending unconditional love.
    Bless you

  17. “Who is this that comes up from the wilderness, leaning upon her beloved?… Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm: for love is as strong as death…” (Son 8:5-6 KJ2000)
    Thanks, Mia, for sharing your heart about our Beloved and the little foxes that spoil His vineyard in our lives. We are truly on this journey with Him as we lean upon His arm in every situation.

  18. Markus
    I love this; the way you say it “making us sing even in suffering”. This is as true as it can get! The topic makes my heart cry sometimes because of its importance, but I think you know that.
    Hugs and lots of blessings

  19. Dear Mia, reading your thoughts here gave me a biiiiiiiiig smile on my face :-)… yes, I even have to confess I was was laughing innerly the most time reading!
    I was searching the Internet for “Shulamite” and so happened to find your blog. Reading your thoughts here… and the way you worded everything made me so happy! All the way I thought: This can’t be said better… right on target!
    Especially I loved the way you conveyed this so important theme. There is this loving humor inside I realized so often with my Lord. How often I saw Him smiling and laughing when finding myself dumbstruck by His loving surprises.
    So, I will read through your other stuff, too… and bless you in Jesus’ wonderful name. Markus

    1. Dear Markus
      Thank you for stopping by. You are a real encourager! I cannot begin to count the many chains that fell off once I came to realise that our Pappa God actually created our ability to have a sense of humor and, like everything else, His sense of humor surpasses all that we are able to find funny!

      1. Just nobody gets me wrong here ;-)… I never thought your article is funny! It was just the joy about the way you expressed this so important truth.
        You’re very right, about God’s humor! Yes, it surpasses our abilities… and so we have the wonderful chance to learn “to let go”… and by this we receive new vision on us and life in general. So freeing and uplifting… right, chains will fall off even making us sing for joy in suffering.
        Yes, I’m an encourager… this is the job my Father gave me. I do it all the time :-)!
        Blessings back to you

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