Posted in broken cisterns, Chronic Ilness, Constant Fatigue Syndrome, desert, Evangelical Humanism, Fibromyalgia, Five Minute Fridays, God's Favor, Grateful, In the Shadow of His Wings, Relationship vs Religion, Suffering, Uncategorized, Walking with God

The Lonely Desert


God’s Thoughts to Me

And human hands can’t serve His needs – for He has no needs. He Himself gives life and breath to everything, and He satisfies every need (Acts 17:25, NLT).

Gratefully Dying Gracefully

imageWhen thoughts are drifters on the wings of confusion, gratefulness seems like a mirage in a dry, barren desert …

… always shimmering delightfully on the horizon …

… always  inviting, yet empty, broken cisterns that can hold no water.

As I have been wandering though the swamps of illness, caught in the fowler’s snare, an evangelical humanist, desperation has nearly been the victor as ungrateful thoughts played havoc with my mind.

Silly ideas and futile thinking battled to breathe just another little breath of stale, self-pitying air, causing unending, dreadful torment.

imageGuilt and condemnation were my hated companions as I was trying to navigate my way through the dense fog hovering constantly on the surface of my muddy mind …

… there where no two thoughts walked together as friends.

I battled to hear my Lord’s loving overtures … bidding me gently to come …

… just abiding in the cool shadows of His love.

There where I could stop striving to be His co-savior, albeit a prisoner of my mind, and just rest in the coolness of His limitless affection.


He longed to gather me with unconditional acceptance, yet I stubbornly ran to and fro …

… seeking reason and rescue for my debilitating plight …

… fearfully fighting that sweet surrender.

He once again accompanied me faithfully to the end of my reasonings and self. Again He showed me the folly of that evil lie of independence …

… the fruit of the lips of the great deceiver, the father of all lies.

The uselessness of being useful and the usefulness of being useless became vividly apparent as I was limping on my last legs.


My turmoil was gently quieted by the whisper of His voice as He reminded me that He is not served by human hands.

Gratefully, as free as a bird, my heart rose with repentance to new heights of joy and freedom as He softly gathered me into His Loving Embrace and seated me in heavenly places in Him.

Sweet blessings xx


Linking with Lisa-Jo at FMF where Grateful is the guest of honor and the ladies at my Tea Time and Link-Up page.


Posted in Angels, Childlikeness, Covenant of Grace, Five Minute Fridays, Freshly Brewed Sundays, God's Father Heart, In the Shadow of His Wings, Jesus Christ, Lisa-Jo Baker, Rainbows, Suffering, The Love of God, Uncategorized

Courtroom of Heaven


God’ Thoughts to Me

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of The Lord forever (Psalm 23:6, KJV).

Shirley, Mercy and Grace


Heaven’s Courtroom was abuzz with breathless expectation! The three angels, Shirley, Mercy and Grace, were summoned by His Majesty, King Jesus.

According to the heralding angel who trumpeted the summons through the universe, King Jesus countenance was enveloped by the most beautiful rainbow of love and compassion.

Tripling with excitement the Triplet bowed down to their Heavenly Host in reverence, filled with brilliant delight to be in His Presence. The King was beaming with a glint in His eye when He informed them of His wishes.


“I have chosen you to be My servants to a little baby girl who will be born nine months from today. She will be My gift of joy to her mother for I have heard the cry of her heart!

She will be called Mia for she will forever be Mine and I am lending her to her mother for only three years. Then her mother will return home to us.

Even amidst the darkest nights of her little soul, she will trust in Me. Gather as much star dust as necessary to baptize her as Mine the moment she is born.


Shirley, wherever her little feet will tread during her sojourn on earth, your duty will be to make sure that she stays forever in the Shelter of My Wings.

You know from dear experience that these precious ones of Mine can be very stubborn, seeking their own way while listening to the deceiver’s lies!

Mercy, you need to make sure that My little darling will know that My mercy, love and goodness towards her are from everlasting to everlasting.


But, I tell you in advance that she will suffer much and you need to be patiently persistent for at the right time, I will enable her to hear My voice.

Grace, you need to assist Me in cultivating a garden in her heart. You daily need to plant seeds of grace and enlighten the narrow path of Grace for her to find her way out of the dark, lost world.


Some of these seeds will grow into mighty cedars of Lebanon. But some will grow by My design into a luscious orchard where she and I will feast together on the fruit of her love for Me.”

Much love and sweet blessings XX


Linking-up with Lisa-Jo and all the friendly hostesses at my Tea Time and Link-Up page.


Posted in Apple of God's Eye, Childlikeness, Empty Nest Syndrome, God's Father Heart, In the Shadow of His Wings, The Love of God

A God Who Flies


God ‘s Thoughts to Me

Like an eagle rouses her chicks and hovers over her young, so He spread His wings to take them up and carry them safely on His pinions. The Lord alone will guide them; they followed no other gods (Deuteronomy 32:11-12).

Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings (Psalm 17:8, NIV).

An Empty Nest


The year of 2013 is leading me into a whole new era of my life. Both my sons have spread their wings and are flying away into the big wide world, finding their own place and purpose in life and in the heart of their Pappa God. But this world is big, and cruel and dangerous!

It is not easy … actually, it is downright horrible for a mom who’s heart is not and will never be ready to have an empty nest … a mother who wants to pick them up and carry them constantly on the wings of her love … a mother who has to carry them now even more on the wings of her prayers to the Throne of Grace.


They have always lived so close to me that they were like sweet summer apples of my eye. When I looked at them, they could see their reflection shining with love and affection on the smooth rounding of my eye.

Just like I am the apple of my Pappa’s eye as I live and love and have my being in Him … nestled in the shadow of the wings of His love (Acts 17:28).

This made me realize that my love for them is only a faint reflection … a glimmer … a morsel … a beautiful fraction of the love our Heavenly Pappa cherishes in His heart for each and everyone of His children.

A.W. Tozer wrote of our Pappa,”An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself AS IF THERE WERE NO OTHERS,”.


This brings joy to my heart, for I know that my Pappa cherishes them even more than I do. Moses told the Israelites in Deuteronomy of their Heavenly Father’s extraordinary care while He led them out of the Egypt of their captivity.

He uses the metaphor of the eagle, who of all the bird species, lavishes extraordinary care and attachment on her eaglets … who cherishes her young more than most of our other feathery friends.

When her newly fledged progeny has grown and developed enough to soar on their own into the big wide sky of the big wide world, she helps and supports them on the tips of her wings in their first feeble attempts at flying. She directs them and encourages them with her heart soaring all over the world wherever they go!! That’s me!

Frederick Buechner said in his work, Telling the Truth, “You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world, but a world lives in you.”

It gives me the assurance that although my fledglings are soaring far, high and wide into the Egypt of this world, their omnipresent Pappa goes before them.


He gives all of Himself to each of my two treasures, carrying them … leading them through all the horrors of the wilderness of life lying ahead … guiding them safely into their eternal inheritance of His Kingdom of Life. For they are the apples of not only my, but also of their Heavenly Father’s Eye.

Much love xx


Linking-up with Charlotte.


Linking with Emily at Imperfect Prose.