Posted in Five Minute Fridays, God's Father Heart, Lisa-Jo Baker

Heaven’s Launderer


God’s Thoughts to Me

Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool (Isaiah 55:18, NLT).

The Scarlet Woman


Once there was a woman-girl, heavily burdened with a heart lost in darkness, filled with sin and shame.

She heard rumors of a Launderer who was washing the world’s laundry without any cost for He already paid it all.

So she went on a journey, desperately searching for this wonderful Man.

She offered her filthy rags of rejection, neglect and abuse to every laundryman who advertised in this Launderer’s name.


The bigger, brighter and noisier their advertising, the more her confidence grew.

Although every launderer promised her the sun, the moon and a fair amount of the stars, she always left worse for wear.

Her dirty heart was still silently screaming in despair, wet with pain; hopelessly flapping in the wind.

None of their miracle-working washing detergents seemed to clean her conscience of her crippling, condemning guilt which tried to consume her alive.


Each laundromat had their own brand of secret soap they claimed to be better and have more magic power than the soap bells next door.

Yet, they discarded her in ignorance, dirtier than before with new layers upon layers of religious soot and grime.

One day she found an unobtrusive launderette. The front door was made of pearls with a door bell tinkling like a love song.


With trepidation she entered, counting the few precious pennies she had left after paying nearly all her livelihood to the previous launderers whose only business seemed to be money laundering.

When she realized she had nothing left and was wasting away of fear, filth and thirst, tears of sorrow trickled down her cheeks.

The Launderer gently wiped the tears from her eyes and mixed them with His blood as He gathered her into His Loving Embrace.


He took her scarlet sins and hand-washed them as white as snow. He took her crimson red shame and transformed it into a garment as silky-soft as the wool of a little lamb.

He clothed her sinful nakedness with His Robe of Endless Love and fed her starving, empty heart with the blessings and bounty of Heaven’s mercy and grace.

Much love and sweet blessings XX.




I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

129 thoughts on “Heaven’s Launderer

  1. Dear friend…what a beautiful picture of how He washes us white as snow, no matter the sin. Such a good reminder for all of us…blessings to you! Thank you for this.

    1. Dear Mel
      Your words reminds me of Paul’s words to the Romans that how bigger the sin in the eyes of the world, the bigger the grace we receive! There is just no limit to His love, grace, mercy and forgiveness that are new every morning!
      Blessings XX

  2. What a beautiful illustration, Mia! I am reminded of the woman with a flow of blood (Matthew 9) who spent all her money and many years of her life seeking help, to no avail…until she touched the hem of Jesus’ robe…

    Praise God for his amazing grace!

    1. Dear Joe
      Isn’t it amazing the life and healing power that just flows from our Lord Jesus! He and He alone is Life and just about everything else that matters here on earth. What a privilege to be one with Him, living in Him and in our Heavenly Pappa. Thanks for your visit!
      Blessings XX

    1. Hi Kimberly
      Thanks for visiting, dear friend, especially in a time that you guys are so busy moving house to another state. I really appreciate your kind words!
      Blessings XX

  3. Mia – my, how you can tell a poignant story woven with Truth and Life and Hope. So thankful that our Launderer has delivered us of our stains.

    1. Dear Missy
      I am still amazed and so grateful by our Lord’s love and great redemption. It shows is how totally unable we are to save ourselves in the least. It is by grace and grace alone!
      Blessings XX

  4. Thank you for sharing with us here at “Tell Me a Story.” It is so true that Jesus is the ONE that sets us free and cleans us up so that we become white as snow. I loved your illustration in the story.

    1. Dear Hazel
      This is so true. There is no other name under the sun that can save, but the name of our Lord Jesus! Hazel, you are always such a gracious hostess. Thanks, I appreciate it so much.
      Blessings to you and Robert XX

  5. I love the way you weave the visuals through the story. It’s so much more alive this way! Thank you for the reminder that we don’t need to keep trying so hard… we just need to find the right place to be cleansed!!

    1. Dear Elizabeth
      Oh yes, dear friend, what a relief to stop our endless striving and just to go to Jesus who gives not only His rest, but cleans us from our shame and sin!
      Blessings XX

  6. What an absolutely beautiful parable! Like Jesus, you’ve told a simple story everyone can relate to, to illustrate spiritual truths. Wonderful!

    1. Dear Nancy
      Yes, dear friend, our Lord Jesus told us that we need to become like children to truly understand His words and enter His Kingdom. The wisdom of man will not amount to much in His Kingdom!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear David
      Yes, my friend, only our Pappa can reveal the truth of any Scripture verse to us personally through revelation of His sweet Spirit that brings life to His written Word!
      Blessings XX

  7. There was a song by Wes King from about 15 years ago that was called, “The Robe.” Ever since hearing that song, I’ve often asked Christ to cover me with His robe. You’ve described that beautiful cleansing and covering He offers each one of us, Mia. Thanks for letting His love and forgiveness of you (and us) shine through here at your place, my friend!

    1. Dear Beth
      Not only does our Lord covers you with His Robe of Love and Righteousness, but He caresses you daily in His loving embrace. My dear sister, He loves you so much; words are inadequate to tell you how much!
      Blessings XX

  8. He clothed her sinful nakedness with His Robe of Endless Love and fed her starving, empty heart with the blessings and bounty of Heaven’s mercy and grace.

    YES! He did and thank you Lord from the bottom of my heart. And thank you, sweet friend, for a beautiful, heartfelt post. Sending you blessings and lots of love…

    1. Dear Sheila
      I was so gripped by your post today and am grateful that Pappa has healed you to the extent that you can share with us. This is so necessary to encourage others with the same love and compassion we have received from our Lord.
      Much love to you and dear Michael XX

  9. Oh precious is the flow, that makes me white as snow!
    No other fount I know! Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
    How beautiful you presented this today…thank you so much.
    I hope you are feeling better dear friend. We could be comparing notes ;( I think it is catching! The changing of the seasons always makes my fibro so much worse and the last few weeks have been really bad. Some day friend we will have no pain…soon and very soon! ♥

    1. Dear Nannette
      Yes, my friend, one day we will be able to go for an early morning run every day without a hint of pain and I think we are going to see how the lion feeds with the lamb along the way! Cannot wait, dear friend.
      Blessings XX

  10. Beautiful, Mia – so beautiful! I can see this in a book:) It reminds me of my worn laundry that needs the stains removed, new sizing to remedy the wrinkles – and the worn areas that need patching – and that He takes us – and makes us like new! Lovely – soul lovely!

    1. Thank you so much, dear friend! Oh, I still have so many stains that needs removal and worn areas that needs the patching of His great love and compassion! But He has provided for all we need to be saved and is still providing everything we need to abide in Him.
      Blessings XX

  11. Love your take on Laundry, Mia. This pulled me right in:
    “One day she found an unobtrusive launderette. The front door was made of pearls with a door bell tinkling like a love song.”

    So thankful to be washed clean, clean, clean!!!

    1. Hi Lisa
      Yes, our Lord Jesus is not one for bragging or flaunting his “wares” like so many do in His name. It reminds me of His still, small voice!
      Blessings XX

  12. Well done, as usual, Mia. Love those people on the giant bubbles. The washing sins and white as snow was so beautiful and true of what Jesus does for us with His death on the cross and resurrection. Blessings.

    1. Hi Kim
      I don’t think we can really and truly and truly know just what our Lord Jesus gave up in becoming man on this side of eternity, if ever! It makes me so grateful!
      Blessings XX

  13. Wow; this was absolutely lovely Mia; what a crystal clear way to emphasize how we long to be clean and white as snow; loved and cherished; but often look in all the wrong places! Jesus never grows weary in rescuing us embracing us when we need Him the most!

    Blessings and love dear friend!

    1. Hi Denise
      Oh, our Lord allows us to come to the end of our tether, for He knows we need to come to the point that we realize that trusting in man or ourselves is a very shaky foundation to built on!
      Blessings XX

  14. Mia, this 5 Minute Friday prompt has inspired some great posts! Love this week’s theme.
    Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions & Connect With God

    1. Hi Mel
      Yes, I agree! I enjoyed reading so many of these great posts about something we as a rule, are not to fond of doing!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Mary
      Our Lord Jesus is such a great example of someone who told many a truth through parables! It makes it so much more accessible, don’t you think!
      Blessings XX

  15. Oh, Mia, you are such a lovely storyteller! Your words captivate me. I see myself in the woman – searching and clinging to things and stuff to fill the void only Christ can. Fortunately I found Him before it was too late. Bless you for sharing this!

    1. Dear Carrie
      You know that all the time we are seeking our Lord Jesus, it is only because He has done a work of grace drawing us to Him through the Holy Spirit. He is always first and foremost!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Mary
      Yes, my friend, there in only this one Launderer who can clean us of those terrible stains in our lives!
      Blessings XX

  16. It was a true “me”… and my life changed almost immediately when He broke into my life. One thing I share with tough people who think they can’t change, or He won’t change them, is that when I was in my office at 18-19, I was referred to as “the Dirty Joke Queen”. Had been that way since small child, even back in those ’50s to mid-’60s. Then, shortly after salvation, all of that was wiped out of my mind. ALL of it. My constant foul language also significantly reduced. SO, in the past 47-1/2 years of my salvation, much has changed in my life. But at the beginning, much changed quickly and dramatically. So, that verse, your sharing story, are filled with truth truly.

    Thank you.

    1. Dear Joanne
      Yes, He cleans us of what others see as those really bad sins in the beginning and then He starts working with those stubborn roots that takes a lot of work and extensive “gardening” in our hearts!
      Blessings XX

  17. A beautifully shared story, Mia! Many claim to have what we need but only He is true and will accomplish all that He claims!
    Blessings to you this Sabbath morning!

    1. Dear Marty
      Yes my friend, only the Sabbath personified, our Lord Jesus, is able to being true rest to our hearts. Nothing and no one else will do!
      Blessings XX

  18. Thank you, Mia. Pictures and words come together effortlessly to remind me of the cleansing that only God can perform in each life. Grateful to the Launderer forever!

    1. Dear Allison
      Yes, my friend, one picture sometimes tells a thousand words! And it gives sort of body to the words we write!
      Blessings XX

  19. Isn’t God so powerfully good that He has cleansed us well and made us fit to be His children! Thank you for the beautiful way you weave together your stories, your testimony, your love for Jesus. Touching base with you is always a sweet, gentle encouragement, dear Mia!

    May this weekend find you rested, stronger, and deeply at peace …

    1. Dear Linda
      Isn’t it amazing how we first need to experience the love of our Lord for ourselves before we can truly love Him in return. He is always first with everything.even when our hearts long to seek Him it is only because He has done a new work of grace!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Dayle
      Yes, my sister, nothing but the blood of Jesus will suffice. The only sacrifice that can cleans our hearts of sin.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Mascha
      Thank you so much for your visit there from Germany. I have a wonderful brother and sister in Christ that live in Wiesbaden and Nüremburgh. If you wish, I can send you their email addresses! Just let me know.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Jerralea
      Oh, this beautiful comment coming from you, dear friend, means so much to me! Thank you, my sister. You are very special to me.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Jamie
      Yes, dear one, when our Pappa starts to clean us up, there is not spot of scarlet He allows to remain. Sometimes only weaknesses like Paul’s thorn in His flesh, but that is to display the greatness of His grace!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Martha
      I always ask our Pappa for ideas for with my Fibrofog I battle at times to come up with an idea. I can honestly say this one was His idea!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Pat
      Oh, your comment makes me think of dirty faced children standing in a row waiting for their mother to lovingly wash each one’s face! This is so true. No shame can survive in His Presence.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Melanie
      I am so honored to have you as a guest today at my place. Yes, our Pappa weaves wonder filled stories of each one of our lives!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Wanda
      Oh yes, my friend, we try anything we think we feel we can still have a bit of control over! But that insecurity also needs to go.
      Blessings XX

  20. Amen. I am reminded of Malachi 3:2 – “But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand when He appears? For He is like a refiner’s fire and like fullers’ soap.” Fullers’ soap is not a term we know today but I remember the Fuller Brush man coming door to door selling brushes and soaps. A fuller was a person who treaded on soiled garments under water with his feet.
    As God launders us, our soul is purged of sin.
    Thank you, Mia, for this has brought a wonderful picture up front for me. Glad I stopped by and spent time here in His loving embrace. May the Lord watch over you and care for you each day.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Dear Linda
      Thank you so much for your interesting information on the Fuller Man. Yes, our Lord is just about the best ” Fuller Man” there ever is and He does not stop until we are squeaky clean. For that I am so thankful!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Rachel
      Oh, I don ‘t thing we will find it in any Dictionary, dear friend. But cleaning us, is what He specializes in.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Janis, it never amazes how the Holy Spirit keeps drawing us to our Lord Jesus and never stops His wooing until we are safely in His Loving Embrace!
      Blessings XX

  21. Mia I absolutely love the way you write. I have always loved reading allegories and one of my favourite books is Hinds Feet on High Places. You have such a beautiful gift from our Father and you use it in such a beautiful way that speaks within the heart/soul of the reader. God bless you my dear sister xoxoxo

    1. I have heard so much of that book I think I must ask my Hubbie to try and order it for me for Christmas. Have you ever read the allegories of John Bunyan. They are also excellent. I enjoyed his one book, The Holy War, even more that Pilgrims Progress!
      Blessings XX

  22. Wonderful take on a beautiful scripture. We search and try to gain acceptance in our flesh… it’s not until we’ve come to the end of ourselves that we find the precious hand of the Launderer and Comforter. I feel cleaner by having read these words from the heart of one who has been cleansed. Thanks, Mia.

    1. Dear Floyd
      That coming to the end of ourselves is such a blessed, wonderful and very uncomfortable place for the flesh to be, but it is only there where we admit to Him our poverty that He can enables us to receive Him and His grace and forgiveness. That is where our walk with our Pappa begins!
      Blessings XX

  23. I love how you write. This was a beautiful, tender story about the Loving Launderer. It touched my heart. There was a wandering time in my life when I visited His store in desperate need of cleansing. He kindly did just that, freeing me from the grit and grime of sins.

    Ah, His white robe of righteousness fits just right!!


    1. Dear Sharon
      I think He creates a Robe to fit each one of us perfectly for our own specific needs. That is just the way our Pappa is! Everything He does is filled with love, grace and compassion.
      Blessings XX

  24. Hi Mia! Isn’t it so true that we run from one launderer to the next, hoping for healing. And yet there is only one God, who doesn’t ask for money. Just to love us completely.

    This was so good today Mia. I love your power in words to tell a powerful story.

    1. Hi Ceil
      We are all so stubborn when it comes to allowing someone else doing something for us! It goes against the grain of the whole world system. But, praise be to our Pappa; His ways is so way above what we can even think or imagine!
      Blessings XX

  25. Dear Mia,
    A beautifully written illustration of the verses of Scripture you’ve shared in God Speaks to Me. Gentle hugs to you and many wishes for a good weekend for you!

    1. Dear Dianna
      Oh, dear friend, you know how we need the hugs to be gentle with the Fm/ME! Thanks for your compassion!
      Blessings XX

  26. Dear Mia, You always make me look at verses in new and different ways. I love the part where the launderer mixes her tears with His blood – it brings to mind where Jesus healed the blind man by mixing clay with his saliva. It’s So. Very. Personal. Isn’t it? We have a truly personal relationship with the creator of the universe! I hope you have a rest-filled, peaceful weekend. Hugs, Janet

    1. Dear Janet
      A.W. Tozer said in one of his books that our Pappa does not divide Himself and gives a piece of Himself to each one of His children; no, He gives all of Himself to each one of us as if we were the only one. This sounds quite personal to me too!
      Blessings XX

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