Posted in Childlikeness, Five Minute Fridays, Lisa-Jo Baker, My Freshly Brewed Life, Relationship vs Religion, Song, Spirituality, Stories in the Sand, The Bride of Christ, The Love of God, The Peace of God, The Weekend Brew, Uncategorized, Walking with God

Writing Stories


God’s Thoughts to Me

See, I have written your name on the palms of my Hands (Isaiah 49:16, NLT).

He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love He will calm your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs (Zephaniah 3:17b, NLT).

Love Letters In Sandy Soil


Long, long ago, before the birth of time, You were the Author of Creation when the intensity of Your Love exploded into the story of man.

Breathless with desire, you created a crown for your glory … the ones to enjoy your love forever … the ones who refused the fruit of your Passion.


Yet, still, you write love stories at the break of each day with the rays of sunlight to woo your lost ones home. You splash your words with the colorful mercies in the promises of rainbows.

You caress us with beautiful birdsong and the fragrance of your compassion is captured in the petals of delicate flowers.


You heal the bended reeds with the fresh early morning dew drops of your grace.

Every faintly flickering firefly shines brightly with new life and the glory of your gladness after you have touched them with the brilliance of your smile.

You are the Author of a the love letter once written in the quicksand of the world when I was naked and soiled in the eyes of the monster called Self-Righteousness.


You bent down to where I was lying in the dirty soil of despair, petrified and shivering with fear as rocks and stones of cruel words were killing me slowly.

Your gentle heart touched my fragility and filth and transformed my sin soiled rags into the beautiful gown of Your Righteousness. You crowned me with the crown of your glory.


You gathered me into your Embrace and wrote a new song in the dusty soil of my brokenness … a special song where I am yours … the most beautiful of all … a song where you are my Beloved.

Much love and sweet blessings xx


Linking -up with Lisa-Jo and the ladies at my Tea Time and Link-Up page



I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

75 thoughts on “Writing Stories

  1. The gift and beauty of creation is beautifully portrayed as one of the Lord’s love languages to us here in your post. I love the dew drops of grace and His glory in the light of the fireflies. Such a beautiful sensory post depicting His lavish love upon us!

    1. Dear Rachael
      When we read God’s Word it never cease to amaze what a great storyteller He is. He uses sparrows, the seas, rocks, etc. to weave His great love story of Jesus and His redemption!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear David
      Yes, religion always try to build structures to reach Him, but that in not possible. Jesus always bends down to our level to love and honor us!
      Blessings XX

  2. I pray to always stay amazed that He reached down and gave me life, and hope, and joy, and salvation, and… the list goes on. Thanks, Mia, for painting word pictures that bring to life all that He is, and continues to be, for each of us.

    1. Dear Allison
      Oh yes, my friend; that list goes on and on and on. Words are such a small gift from His hands that we can use to bring Him glory.
      Blessings XX

  3. I DIDN’T KNOW THAT YOU LINKED UP W/ KATE ( she’s my mentor! we live i the same town!! 🙂 woohoo i’m so glad we know the same people!!

  4. The word pictures you painted for us today, Mia, were quite inspiring and stirring for me. During my quiet time today I was thinking on these things–God’s great and marvelous love for me even though I don’t deserve it. How does He do it, Mia? He’s such an amazing God. I love Him so very much. And I love your heart here too, my friend. You are one of the sweetest bloggy friends I’ve got out there! Keep on sharing your heart in inspiring ways!

    1. Dear Beth
      Thank you for being so kind, my friend! We have no idea of the greatness of our Pappa’s love when we think on human terms. But one day when we see Him face to face so many of our questions will be answered! I am so grateful that He acts out of His character and that His love for us does not depend on our “performance” in the least.
      Blessings XX

  5. “You gathered me into your Embrace and wrote a new song in the dusty soil of my brokenness … a special song where I am yours … the most beautiful of all … a song where you are my Beloved.” Yes, this…such beautiful words, friend. Thank you for sharing your heart with us. 🙂

    1. Dear Mel
      It amazes me how each one of us is the most beautiful of all in our Lord Jesus’ eyes. His ways is so far above and beyond what we can fathom.
      Blessings XX

  6. Such poetic prose. You are a weaver of words. I love your thoughts because they touch me to the core. Thanks for sharing at Just Write. I also write for Five Minute Friday. 🙂 I love this especially : You were the Author of Creation when the intensity of Your Love exploded into the story of man.

    1. Dear Mary
      We often forget that God does not see us as nuisances, but as the ones He created for His glory and He wants us to enjoy Him forever.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Dolly
      Our Pappa has promised us that the good work He has started in us, He will finish. I am so glad that it is Him doing all the doing and we only need to rest and abide in the Vine.
      Blessings XX

  7. The two verses with which you began are two of my very favorites. I so appreciate how you speak of God’s love that initiated all of creation and speaks so very individually to each of us through his creation. Bless you, friend.

    1. Dear Ashley
      We sometimes forget how our Pappa has created our individuality and He honors each one of our unique personalities. We are definitely not objects on a conveyer belt to Him.
      Blessings XX

  8. As usual, you are a real heart toucher, heart feeder. And the words and photos and sharing make me smile every time. [Sure would love to visit you in YOUR part of Africa, BTW. I’m an “African” in my heart, if nothing else.]

    And thank you for your sweet, encouraging comments on my posts. I truly try to plant the seed of God in hearts around the world. That’s one of my God-jobs.

    Bless you…

    1. Dear Joanne
      Oh, I know you have succeeded in planting many seeds in the heart of the people of Africa by being an instrument of love in our Pappa’s hand. You truly have an African heart. This I know.
      Blessings XX

  9. Beautiful images drawn by your words. I like the pictures too–especially the bent reed, dew drops and baby. God cares about our wounds–a bent reed he will not break.

    1. Dear Carol
      That verse where God tells us that a bended reed He will not break and a flickering flame He will not quench, has always encouraged me tremendously!
      Blessings XX

  10. Oh this, “You gathered me into your Embrace and wrote a new song in the dusty soil of my brokenness … a special song where I am yours … the most beautiful of all … a song where you are my Beloved.” Thank you!

    1. Dear Barbie
      Our Lord is very good at drawing beautiful pictures with the ashes of our lives and He allows us only to draw His strength out of our weakness!
      Blessings XX

  11. A beautiful post with whimsical images to enhance the lovingly written words. See, you encouraged me to try to include a few adjectives and an adverb. 🙂
    Thanks for linking on Amanda’s Books and More! I’ve liked your post with our WordPress account: Light and Life Bible Ministries.

    1. I think adverbs and adjectives are like salt and pepper giving such a rich taste to food; or in our case, words. Thanks for hosting us, dear friend.
      Blessings XX

  12. this is beautiful
    we are at centre of His story when He is the centre of ours
    what a wonderful circle, isn’t it?

    1. Oh, I have never thought of this; He being the centre of our lives and us being the centre of His heart! Thanks….! You bless me.
      Much love XX

  13. “You are the Author of a the love letter once written in the quicksand of the world when I was naked and soiled in the eyes of the monster called Self-Righteousness.”
    Why I don’t visit you more often I don’t know! (Sorry about that btw!) but I will remind myself to come at least every Friday. You bless me love.
    Amazing words dear!

    1. Dear Shannon
      Oh, your encouraging words means so much to me, thank you. It is good for us to always remember that there is nothing we can do that can count as our own righteousness.
      Blessings XX

  14. You captured the wonder and beauty of our Father’s endless love and striving for His creation. The broken are blinded by the wonder of the gift to us of our physical senses. What a privilege to be able to “see” His truth. Awesome, Mia.

    1. Dear Floyd
      This is so true. We cannot see until our Pappa opens our spiritual eyes and reveal His glory and love to each heart personally. This is such a privilege.
      Blessings XX

    1. Yes, dear friend, when we look around us every day and stop rushing for a while we will see many, many bushes burning with His glory!
      Blessings XX

    1. Hi Elizabeth
      I agree, dear one. Knowing that when He looks at the scars in His hands makes Him see our names is such a great comfort.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Mel
      Thank you for being such a gracious hostess every Friday at your place. Yes, what a joy to be part of this great story of Jesus life.
      Blessings XX

  15. Mia, this may be my favorite of all my favorites from all the words I’ve read of yours. So touching, I can’t even explain how deeply this moved in my heart. How can we not be eternally grateful for the love stories He writes for us every single day. And I’m thankful for the life He’s given you, and that you’ve chosen to honor Him so beautifully here through your gift of writing. Beautiful, Mia. Blessings to you!

    1. Dear Tanya
      Our Pappa has such a way of encouraging us through your beautiful heart. Thank you. There is times when I read your posts that your sense of humor always puts a smile in my heart!
      Blessings XX

  16. Mia –
    Your worlds are so beautiful! I pray that I never get in to big of a hurry with life that I forget His is the one writing my story and the stories of those around me.

    1. Dear Amy
      Yes, my friend, let us always remember that He is the One that holds everything together with His power as He writes beautiful stories in our hearts.
      Blessings XX

  17. “Long, long ago, before the birth of time, You were the Author of creation when the intensity of Your Love exploded into the story of man.” Dear Mia, you weave a spell of mystery and awe – like a beautiful fairytale – but so real and so needed and so present. Thank you for sharing this special, spiritual side of God’s story, born from the womb of your very personal relationship with your Poppa. It is a gift. Love and hugs, Janet

    1. Dear Janet
      What makes our Pappa so very special is the fact that He gives all of Himself to all His children as if each one is His one and only. He doesn’t need to divide Himself so each one can have a piece!
      Blessings XX

    1. Yes, dear Wanda, every new morning is a new gift of love from our Pappa’s hand, filled with new mercies and boundless grace!
      Much love XX

  18. Mia –
    This was beautiful! May we remember that He is the Author of the Words of life. And He writes them on our hearts as well. So grateful to read this today!

    1. Dear Joanne
      Yes, my friend, our lives in Jesus is His story and His alone. All we can do is to allow Him to be the Author.
      Blessings XX

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