Posted in Childlikeness, Christmas, Common Sense, Faith of a Child, Lady Wisdom, Money, Proverbs, Spirituality, Uncategorized

Boys and Their Toys


God’s Thoughts to Me

My child, listen when your father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction (Proverbs 1:8, NLT).

To learn, you must love discipline; it is stupid to hate correction (Proverbs 12:1).


imageToday I am honored again by a special friend, Floyd Samons, who  is sharing dearly acquired wisdom from the school of life.

Floyd, thank you for all your support this year, helping me to keep my blog going when I was to ill to write. You are truly a brother of my heart.

Floyd blogs at The Regoi and I can assure you that his place is a treasure chest of wisdom and just plain good old common sense. To visit him, just click on his photo. Over to you:

Gifts from Christmas Passed


As another Christmas rolls around I, like everyone else, remember the ones from my past and especially the ones from my childhood.

I remember the presents, the food, the gratified looks on my parents faces regardless how lean the year, and the words at Christmas.

I recall the old black Bible with spider web cracks in the leather from use and age that my dad opened to Luke and read from every year before any of us impatient kids could yank a bow or rip a wrapper.


They were the words of God offered by my dad’s gentle voice. I fall into thoughts and lessons from just one of many I got from the man I miss dearly and  remember with honor at Christmas.

Money was burning a hole in my pocket, but it was my money to burn, or so I thought.

“Me and Steve want to buy a boat,” I announced to my dad.


“A boat?”

“Yeah, like a canoe only better, we can fish and stuff,” I explained.

“How you gonna get it to the lake?” my dad asked casually.

“Steve’s dad will take us out there,” I answered, trying to hide my disappointment in his lack of enthusiasm.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, son?” he answered and I knew was the beginning of a long way around the bend where we would eventually arrive at “no.”


As a last resort I threw out the desperation declaration, “It’s my money!” My dad took it in stride and while I can’t recall his exact words, I do recall they had something to do with it indeed being my money.

Yet, it was his responsibility to not let me blow it or do something that didn’t make good sense… Like buying a boat twenty miles from the lake as a freshman in high school with a football buddy as my partner…

The four hundred bucks that I’d worked for was safe and out of my complete control as I poured sweat and some blood into construction jobs in Arizona.


For the next two simmering summers I saved my money for the best thing ever in the history of the whole wide world, even better than all the Christmas gifts combined; my first car.

Add that first muscle car and the freedom that comes with it to the sweet taste of gratification that comes from earning something at great sacrifice, and a kid has the ingredients and discipline that they can use for the rest of their lives…

How does a person learn self discipline and self control if they haven’t been taught how it works? How does a person learn self respect if they don’t learn how to respect others?


I remember being so angry with my dad that my throat ached… Here’s the kicker; I knew he was right.  Even at the time of indiscreet ignorance, I knew it was, but I didn’t care about tomorrow… I wanted to live for that day.

His lesson taught me that waiting and using discipline returned dividends that taste much sweeter than quick fixes for a greedy and impatient flesh.

The lust of our flesh can’t ever truly be satisfied without wisdom from our heavenly Father to keep in check.


For now, only God knows which of us was more proud the day my dad drove my car for the first time with me riding shotgun…

Funny thing about wise people, they never have to say things like, “I told you so.” They say things like, “This is a nice car, son… I sure am proud of you…”

Wishing you and yours the best gifts and treasures this Christmas season, the kind that can’t be calculated by a number, the kinds that are stored in our minds, hearts, and eternal souls.


Merry Christmas, God bless you.


P.s. Thanks again, Floyd, you are a dear precious friend!

Sweet blessings xx


I am linking-up with the ladies at my Tea Time and Link-Up page.


I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

95 thoughts on “Boys and Their Toys

  1. Hi Floyd! I’m learning to practice holding my tongue with my tweens. It’s easy to point out when we’re right but so much more effective when we don’t. Your father is a gracious and wise man. Bless you and Merry Christmas!

    1. I learned much from my dad and even now that he’s resting with our Father I still am. It’s tough to hold our tongues with the kids. It gets easier as they get older… and we look a lot smarter to them with time! Merry Christmas and may our Father bless you and your family in abundance.

    1. Fascinating how it’s often what a wise person doesn’t say that says so much… Merry Christmas to you and yours as well, Wanda. Thanks and God bless, sister.

  2. This is such a great story. There are plenty of lessons to be learned for sure from this story. It sounds like you had a great father who did the best he could to teach you lessons that will last you a lifetime.
    Thank you for sharing them with us too.

    1. Lessons to remembered as well. I tend to forget things, even grand things, I have to remind myself along the way. Thanks, Crystal. Merry Christmas, sister.

  3. Hi Floyd,
    I think I love your dad! I’m sure it burned not being able to buy that boat but I am also sure that the sweetness of having your own muscle car far surpassed the burn.

    Merry Christmas brother. 🙂

    Thanks Mia for hosting Floyd.

    1. He was an easy man to love. The gratification of learned perseverance is something that has paid huge dividends in my life to be sure. I respected him for doing the right thing, not the easy thing. A lesson I struggle with using on my own kids. Merry Christmas to you too, sister. May God bless you and yours abundantly.

  4. Floyd, I’m pretty sure that I had that same conversation with my son not too long ago! What important lessons we learn from our fathers and from our children. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Good for you, Caleb! Doing the right thing is never the easiest thing. Takes wisdom, brother. God will continue to bless you abundantly through your children. Good stuff! Thanks, Caleb.

    1. I’m honored to be here, Jennifer. I’m not sure how wise I am, but I know I had a good head start by being blessed with my dad who was sent by our Father. I miss him even more around the holidays. Thanks, Jennifer.

  5. “indescreet ignorance” – that describes sometimes the logic of a teen perfectly!!! Boys are programmed for independence – and controlling their finances is a crucial part to that – and you are so right – that is one of the challenging tasks of parenting – is mentoring that skill. So enjoyed your journey down that Christmas memory lane! So enjoyed the message in it!

    1. I can’t say I enjoyed the lesson at the time, even though I knew it was right, but I can’t begin to place the value on the lesson I wouldn’t have learned otherwise. Parenting is challenging to say the least, I’m still working on it! Merry Christmas to you and yours, sister.

  6. I have two teenage boys, so this telling rings true to my ears, Floyd. Sounds like you have a wise father and some wonderful memories. Merry Christmas to you too.

    1. I was and am blessed for sure. Teenage boys being a handful is an understatement! Merry Christmas to you and your family, Laura. Thanks.

    1. That makes a whole lot more than two of us, Zechariah! The best lessons do last a lifetime, good call. Thanks, brother.

  7. What a great message. I can relate to the impatience of wanting what I want NOW. I have learned a lot over the years and I wish I knew then what I know now. There is so much to be gained from the act of self-discipline. Things of this world can only satisfy for a time. If only we could remember that every time a new “thing” came along! Thanks for linking up with Thankful Thursday on my blog today!

    1. I’m with you on all the new “things” that pop up to test our self discipline and wisdom, Sarah. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  8. Always a treat to see you, Brother. And to see how enjoyably Mia has turned to you. Your encouraging has reached out to many. God is using you. And, yes, the story is nice… I actually laughed when I saw the photo of the men laying on the building bits, b/c my sister has one of the builders sitting there and eating lunch, but I gave one to her when visiting last year that I found at a Seaside, OR, place that showed them playing golf up there. I’ll send that to you on an email. Anyhow, you had me grinning today… filled with joy and understanding. Bless you…

    1. I got your email. I love that picture! I should get a copy of that to hang in my office! It’s always a blessing to hear from you. And thanks for your generous and uplifting words, Joanne. What a blessing you are to so many. Loved that post of the skits and acts… Nothing better than touching the lives of young people. Excellent work and heart, Joanne.

  9. Who the pain and blessing of a wise parent. Discipline shapes and molds us but we often don’t enjoy the process. We are just able to enjoy the aftermath when we see the benefits from it. Great post!

    1. It’s that age old gratification from perseverance. Not the first time you heard me toot that horn, huh, Dan? I couldn’t agree more. Thanks, Dan.

  10. Those years are so formative, and we often learn a lot from our mistakes. But the lesson of hard work and discipline and sacrifice is one that will benefit us the rest of our lives. Few things will make more of an impact.

  11. Awww…lessons from childhood.
    You did it again, Floyd. Brought up great memories.
    I remember a “mistake” I made when I was a freshman in college. My mom went crazy!
    I waited a week and my dad never said anything to me. The silence was killing me. Finally, over lunch I asked Dad if Mom had hold him about what I’d done.
    He said, “Yep.”
    I waited and he never said more. So I pressed him to expound on his answer. All he said was, “Not the smartest thing you ever did.” And he continued to eat. It was never mentioned again.
    He got through to me more than all the rants my mom said.
    So much wisdom and our dads are still teaching us!

    Merry Christmas to you both!

    1. Those are the best stories to share. That generation grasped the concept that “less is more” sometimes. I’m with you and am still amazed by that wisdom provided by our Father to our earthly dads that we’re still learning from. The holidays bring the memories with more frequency. We are blessed. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well. Thanks, TC.

  12. Floyd,
    Thanks for reminding us through your experiences of life how important our father is. Heavenly and on earth. Thanks for reminding us that patience and listening to them is smart. Thanks for reminding us that we need not make rush decisions. I appreciate you Sir.

    1. Thanks, Lincoln. We all need to remind one another to be mindful of what we’re called to and who we are. You know I appreciate you as well, my friend. It’s good to hear from you. If I don’t run across you again before, Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  13. Floyd,
    Thanks so much for sharing this inspirational story with us here! Nice to “meet” you this way, I came across Mia’s blog and your post thanks to a link up at “Just Write,” and I’m glad I did! Happy holidays and thanks for passing along your wisdom!

    1. It’s nice to meet you too, Erin. Your welcome and thanks for taking the time to read and comment. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you to!

    1. Good call, Holly. I think a reminder once in a while doesn’t hurt any of us, me for sure. Our children need wisdom just like we do and the older we get the more we gain. Thanks, Holly.

  14. I confess, I’ve failed miserably in the “I told you so …” department, so much for my wisdom. The battle of wills with those we’ve been blessed to care for is/are lesson(s) I am as yet waiting to find the golden nugget or silver lining that (hopefully) should be contained there in. But we carry on, often with frayed nerves. We love, we worry, we attempt to guide with the wisdom of experience, though compromised by our flesh and the amount of effort it takes to try and get them to understand that we really are on their side. We’re not just nay-saying kill-joys trying to “rain on their parade”. The best we can hope for is that 20 years down the road, they’ll have the hindsight to see that we’ve been on the same team all along.

    Thank God, He is bigger than all that brings us low and His grace abounds well beyond the river of doubt that often carries us to the sea of uncertainty.

    Sorry once again for my verbosity, Floyd. Like I’ve said before, it amazes me sometimes where I end up after reading one of your posts. My hope is that I’m adding something of worth and not taking away.

    Mia, thank you for your gentle spirit, God has given you a gift with words as He has with Floyd. I visit here now and then and am often touched by your comments over at Floyd’s place. Blessings to you and your family this Christmas.

    1. David, your words always bring a deeper impact of whatever subject we’re dissecting. I appreciate the honesty and humility. You’re not alone, brother. I struggle with my kids to bite my tongue, coached the older two in high school, so I know some of the failings in which you speak. But! They know, even when they don’t agree with us, they are loved. I also think often we’re harder on ourselves because we’re not like others. I think our Father made us all a little different and knows what our children need and our personalities, even with all the faults, are suited perfectly for the job. Blessings to you and your clan this Christmas. Give em’ all hugs for me, David.

  15. Thank you Mia for bring Floyd’s beautiful post over to share here at “Tell Me a Story.” I do hope he picks up some new readers, as his posts touch where the heart truely is.

    1. You’re too kind to me, Hazel. You spread the True Spirit of Christmas and I’m thankful for the gift from your heart.

  16. Hi Mia and Floyd,

    Mia, it’s nice to be here again. Floyd, how fun to see you here too. Ah, those conversations with our kids about their money…. We have those too, as our oldest is working to pay for college with us, and debating which things to buy along the way too. He’s doing a pretty good job, but we still have those conversations at times. Sounds like a wise dad, you had.

    Merry Christmas, Mia and Floyd,
    Jennifer Dougan

    1. The best things we get in life are the things instilled by parents like you that teach kids to trust in God and work diligently with honor toward the worthy goals. Gratification from perseverance is a gift that pays dividends for a lifetime. Thanks, Jennifer. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. The older I get the more I realize how blessed I’ve been. Thanks for the kind words and Merry Christmas to you and your family, Michelle.

  17. Just want to say thank you for letting me be a part of your ministry here, Mia. You’ve been a gift and blessing to far more than you even know. Praying for you and your family this Christmas. May you and yours be richly blessed in all ways, starting from the inside out.

  18. Floyd,
    What a wise and gracious father you had, and I can only imagine how proud your dad was for your diligence and hard work paying off…such a precious story…thanks for sharing it with us…Merry Christmas to you…and to you, Mia 🙂

    1. You and I have been blessed with the greatest of treasures, Nancy. Unbelievable favor from our Father. Blessings to you and yours. Thanks, Nancy.

  19. You had such a wondeful father, Floyd…..reminds me of my own and how much I miss him. Our dads gave wonderful advice, that when followed really paid off in the end. How is it that we finally think they’re smart, when we finally grow up? Thanks for sharing yet another wonderful story! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    1. Our dads were definitely cut from the same mold, Lynn. Amazing wisdom and humility. It just took a while for it to sink into those of us with the iron will. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your precious family too, Lynn. You’re a gift from above, sister.

  20. Just smiling, Floyd. Good stuff. It can take us a while to know where our parents were coming from, but we are wise to listen (especially to the godly ones). Thank you (and Mia). Blessings to you all and merry Christmas.

    1. It’s staggering to think how blessed and fortunate we’ve been, isn’t it? I’m grateful and I know you are too. Blessings to you and your family, Jason. Merry Christmas.

  21. “Funny thing about wise people, they never have to say things like, “I told you so.” They say things like, “This is a nice car, son… I sure am proud of you…””

    Love this line! I’ve got to try to remember it…and live by it…

    May God richly bless you this holiday season!

    1. Thanks, Joe. We all need a reminder now and then! Bless you and yours this season and all the seasons that we’re called to.

  22. How great is the gift of a smile? Hard to measure, but thanks for returning one to me. Thanks, Rosey. Merry Christmas.

  23. I always love hearing from Floyd. It’s hard for me to know as a mother when to butt in and when to let my kids make “foolish” decisions on their own. 😦 I’m still learning. I know God has found the perfect way to do that with me; I just haven’t figured it out yet. 🙂

    Merry Christmas to you, Mia, and to you, Floyd! You both are gifts.

    1. You’re not alone, Lisa! It’s difficult to know the right thing to do. I’m certain that “less is more” with our kids and that’s a discipline in itself. Your girls are your testimony before our Father of your and Jeff’s heart. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Lisa. Thanks.

  24. Hi Floyd and Mia! Nice to see you both today.

    I love to hear about people’s memories, whether it’s holiday or the past, so Floyd, you hit both of them today. How beautiful that your dad would read from Luke before the presents started. What a witness to you and your family! (altho I’m sure it caused a little frustration at the time)

    And the boat thing…yeah, I can relate to that. Having a bunch of cash does have a way of giving a sense of power, doesn’t it? But I’m not always right about using my resources, so I could totally understand the ‘want’ part of that scenario. I hope I can listen to my Heavenly Father, who tells me the truth. And never says “I told you so” either.

    Merry Christmas to you too! And I loved the image of Bryan Cranston btw 🙂

    1. I’m with you, Ceil. I enjoy hearing other people’s stories as well, we all have far more in common than we ever grasp on the surface. There have been times, not too often to be sure, that I’ve used those words; “I told you so!” Those words speak to a heart that’s short on humility. Funny how pride chases away wisdom. We’re all learning a bit more as time goes on and our Father reveals His heart in us. Merry Christmas, Ceil. God bless, sister.

  25. Oh, I’m convicted by that line, ” … wise people, they never have to say things like, “I told you so.” I’m sure my sons have heard me say those words more than once after making some not so wise decisions. But you’re right, Floyd, wisdom gives us opportunities to grow and stretch and when we fall, helps us back up! Great thoughts and thanks to you, Mia, for sharing Floyd’s wisdom.

    BTW, I’ve been praying for your health and pain to improve nearly every day since you mentioned this might hinder your ability to get with family this Christmas, Mia. I hope your Christmas is filled with love and the joy of Christ!

    1. I’m guilty of using those words as well. These days when those words to slip out they are accompanied by regret. I’m not the fastest learner in the group. Wisdom is the gift from our Father that comes in abundance when we practice the gift of humility.

      Thanks for your prayers for our sister. That is what we’re to be all about. Thanks for the reminder and example, sister. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    1. I find it fascinating that most of the time wisdom is gained in perseverance. Not to mention that wisdom never quits growing in us as we seek our Father’s will. We’re on the same page, Kim! Good thoughts. Thank you.

  26. Mia – So grateful that you shared Floyd with us all. Thankful to Floyd for sharing this story of his wise dad. Praying that I also would have wise words fall from my lips in the days ahead. Thank you both Mia & Floyd!

  27. How nice, Floyd! Your dad sounds like a wise and kind man. And it sounds like he had a great influence on you. How wonderful.

    I am looking forward to a wonderful treasure this Christmas – my entire extended family is getting together. It’s been a while since we were all together in one place. It will be especially sweet as we will also be celebrating my mom’s birthday – Christmas Day!

    That is a gift that money cannot buy!

    Merry Christmas and GOD BLESS!

    1. Amen! Money can’t buy the greatest of gifts in this life. I’m learning to really appreciate the gifts that can’t be measured by a number and the best ones are the ones we take with us when we leave. Good for you! What a blessing! Enjoy and may God bless you and your entire clan. Thanks Sharon.

  28. Lessons learned from a Dad are precious. In his wisdom he took the long way around to say “No,” to a boat. Finally the car when age was ready to own a car with Dad at the helm.

    1. It wasn’t an easy lesson, but I can’t imagine how much different my life would have been had he not taught me the value of waiting and discipline. Thanks, Hazel.

  29. What a great great gift that keeps on giving…wisdom passed down to you from your father. My dad imparted a few bits of wisdom in the learning process of growing up to me too. Very thankful for that! Blessings to you, Floyd!

    1. Those truly are the best gifts that we received and we didn’t even have a clue they were gifts! We are blessed indeed. Blessings to you and your family as you pass out the wisdom passed down from the heart of our Father. Thanks, Rachael.

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