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Desert Snippets


God’s Thoughts to Me

Then Aaron took the gold, melted it down, and molded it into the shape of a calf. When the people saw it, they exclaimed, “O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of the land of Egypt!” (Exodus 32:4, NLT).

Egyptian Gold


The saying goes that it took the Israelites only a few days to leave Egypt, but they had to wander the desert for 40 years before God finished uprooting all the stubborn roots of Egypt from their hearts.

The ancient Egyptians had 8700 gods and after living in Egypt for 430 years, we can just imagine how much they have been influenced by the Egyptians and their useless religious ways.

It is therefore no big surprise when they wanted to revert back to the familiarity of a god they could see when they felt lost in the desert. They longed for the security of the familiar streets of hell they knew so well!


We are all well acquainted with the story of how the Israelites became impatient with Moses for staying too long on Mount Sinai. They pestered Aaron until he built them a golden calf from the golden earrings they brought from Egypt.

I used to shake my head in exasperation and disgust at the stupidly of these people, while silently patting myself on the shoulder, believing I would never be so shortsighted and foolish!

How could they think for a moment that their golden-earrings-turned-golden-calf was able to lead them out of Egypt? Preposterous, to say the least!!


But our Pappa knows me best and showed me how I used to wander in my own desert for a long, long time. He showed me all the mountains I loved trekking around numerous times before He could lead me further.

He opened my eyes to see how often I cried for the fleshpots of Egypt when the going got tough and the tough seemed to have no plans to get going!

He showed me the many times I saw the wonderful, luscious grapes of Canaan in my mind’s eye, but turned back. It took Him quite a while to usher me across my Jordan into Canaan … into the life of our Lord Jesus.


Even though I have been a member of a church all my life, I still didn’t know Jesus. My heart was empty, starving and yearning to know this strange God. I needed to experience His love which was not much more than a mystery to me at that stage.

One day, out of sheer frustration, I took my Bible and read that wonderful verse, “All that the Father gives me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37).

As I used to battle rejection issues most of my life, my heart rejoiced when I saw the words about not being cast out!! Glorious light and joy flooded the darkness and despair of my heart.

I realized that although I have been a diligent church member for many years, I have never gone to Jesus personally.


I could only fall to my knees and cry out to Him that I was coming to Him and Him alone. I was in awe of this Jesus who didn’t speak the only language I knew so well: rejection!

I thanked Him for the assurance that I would never be sent away like a dog with its tail between its legs, when being rejected was about the only language I knew!

That was my Red Sea moment! But little did I realize that this was only the beginning of my journey to Canaan. I had my own treasure chest filled with lots of Egyptian gold and silver and a heart overgrown with the weeds of this world.


I didn’t take long for me to realize that the love, joy and peace I heard of so often, were still very absent from my heart and my eyes started lusting after the familiarity of Egypt!

Very soon I forgot my days of slavery and all the tears I cried when I sat down at the rivers of Babylon!

Very soon I complained about my monotonous diet of manna and I longed for the fleshpots of Egypt! How I missed the false security of belonging to a religious church, of finding my worth in a set of theological doctrines, of not thinking for myself and just gobbling up everything that was dished up onto my religious plate!


How I missed that wonderful gooey feeling of singing the beautiful gospel songs on the great rhythmic beat of drums. I soon forgot how I cried out to Pappa when I was a slave in Egypt.

But, I knew there had to be more to life than the empty futile striving, forever trying to be good enough to be loved. I was tired of empty rote practices of piety.


I was tired of being told to cry when the religious elite played funeral songs and to dance when they dished up wedding songs! (Matthew 11:17).

Like Abraham who trekked into the unfamiliar, I also set my face like flint and travelled into the unknown, never alone, for the Rock of All Ages was and always will be my constant companion!

Much love and sweet blessings.


Linking-up with









I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

48 thoughts on “Desert Snippets

  1. Wow Mia! There is so much in this that I can relate to personally, and it’s an encouragement to see God walk someone else down the same journey . Everything from the security of belonging to a religious church, to the futile striving to be “good enough” , to missing the gooey feelings all rang true for me. I thought I’ve been Saved for years but its not that god is pushing aside my religiousity and leading me to truth about him. It’s a scary place, but it’s good to know I’ve got company 🙂

    1. Yes, dear one, it is never a comfortable place to be: there at the end of yourself, totally dependant on our Lord Jesus, but there is no place else I would rather be. It is only there where we begin to walk with our God!
      Much love XX

  2. You so beautifully wrote this and included the pictures to go along with it. Your posts are always deep and heartfelt. Thanks for sharing this over at WholeHearted Wednesdays.

    1. Dear Judith
      Thank you, dear friend, for your encouraging words! I just hope that everything we ever write in His name will bring Him glory for it is quite a great responsibility.
      Much love XX

  3. Hi, Mia! As we take the journey from the desert to the “land of milk and honey” , we each are learning to trust the Lord in different ways. For most of us, it’s not a straight path, but a road full of twists and turns, as we learn of God’s wonderful, mysterious ways!! Thanks for sharing today!!
    In His love, Ann @ Christ in the Clouds

    1. Dear Ann
      Oh yes, my friend, we all have a different bunch of gremlins to overcome and deserts to cross!! Our Lord certainly works in wonderful, glorious and, often times, painful mysterious ways!
      Much love XX

  4. I Love you poetic style of writing! Wonderful testimony! and that section of scripture is always humbling to me too- I’ve made my golden cows and walked around more then one desert too.

    1. Dear Ren
      Thank you for visiting. We all have a few golden cows, dear friend, and we all stumble through a desert or two! Jesus did came to seek and save those ones who know how truly lost we all are!
      Much love XX

  5. Mia,
    I stopped in earlier but was unable to comment, but wanted to be sure to stop back in.
    This was another lovely post. I simply love how you share your heart. You are a blessing.
    Much love,

    1. Dear Beth
      Thank you for stopping by again! I always pray and ask that every single word I write will only bring glory to our Lord Jesus! He is so great and glorious and I love Him so.
      Much love XX

  6. What a wonderful promise of God’s faithfulness to lead us to the Promised Land – I hang on to that promise daily. AMEN! God is so good and faithful 🙂

    1. Dear Kathleen
      Living in our Lord Jesus is our promised rest already while we are still here on this side of eternity! Yes, He is faithful and always keeps His promises.
      Much love XX

  7. Hi Mia, great post of encouragement. I too have looked at the Israelites and wondered what their problem was. But, look closer at myself and see I have wondered in a few deserts of my own. Lovely post
    God bless
    ps. I might be heading your way soon. When I do, I’ll be looking you up 🙂

    1. Dear Tracy
      Oh, I would love having you over! I remember you said you have family in East London. Well, you have a spiritual sister that would love seeing you too! Please let me know when you are coming.
      Much love XX

    1. Dear Rachael
      Our Pappa encourages us so that we can then from our side encourage others on the same road, dear one! Glad you were encouraged!
      Much love XX

  8. Mia, Mia, Mia! Been there! Done that! and still wander and forget! I am always amazed at myself, and now find you there too, that going to church is does not constitute “knowing Jesus”. I did the same for my whole life and found myself lost and scared and feeling rejected too. But He always, always, knew where I was and He was waiting for me to knock. The door opened quickly. I am grateful that He saves and that I obeyed. Thank you for sharing this for it is a good reminder for me too.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Dear Linda
      I am certain that He was waiting patiently for your knock on the door long before you came. I can just imagine how overwhelmed He was when He saw His daughter finally coming!
      Much love XX

  9. I’ve been reading a Psalm a day and dipping into some other places like Hebrews. Yesterday I was reading through Psalm 78 that talks about the Children of Israel and this very discontentment issue you’re speaking about. And then I hopped over to Hebrews 3 that same day, where again it spoke to how the Israelites were complaining and discontent. Now I come here and your words so resonate with what God is teaching me. I know He’s in the smallest of details, so I believe you have been used of God to speak about these lessons you learned, Mia. Thanks so much for being that gentle nudge in my life that I need and I pray it will be what others need as well! Thanks for linking up, my friend!

    1. Dear Beth
      This is just like our Pappa! He works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform and teaching us His ways. I am glad that you were encouraged and I want to thank you for being our gracious hostess every Wednesday!
      Much love XX

  10. Dear Mia,
    what a testament to God’s grace and goodness to you…I think most of us have our own set of idols that God weans us from as we follow Him…love to you 🙂

    1. Dear sweet Dolly
      I cannot agree more, my friend! We all have a bunch of these nasties ruining the vineyard of our hearts. Grateful He weans us like we wean a baby from a dummy!
      Much love XX

    1. Dear Jean
      Your posts always lift mine, sweet friend! I prayed for you just as you asked, my friend and hope you are enveloped in Pappa’s peace!
      Much love XX

  11. Mia, you have a beautiful way of bringing life to… life. I was raised with hardly a mention of God, and no church family. When I first began going to church, I wanted/needed a family so desperately that I made the people (who had a boat-load of religious idols) my idols. Our Abba Father was so wonderful to open my needy eyes to His love and my god-replacements. He is so good!
    Blessings and much love, my friend ~ Mary

    1. Dear Mary
      I am so grateful our Pappa sank our ships filled with idols. Once He does that and we are able to experience His love, we never ever turn back to our religious days!
      Much love XX

  12. Ik herken wat je zegt Mia. Over het zijn in de kerk en Jezus niet kennen. Zo is God bij mijn in mijn leven gekomen. Mijn hart was ook leeg en dezelfde tekst als jij zegt heeft een grote betekenis in mijn leven gekregen ( Die tot Mij komt zal ik geenszins uitwerpen). Dank je wel voor deze gevoelige blog.
    Gods Zegen!

    1. Dear Jedidja
      Yes, my friend, that was the verse that brought me into His Kingdom. I am glad to see that it has great meaning to you too!
      Much love XX

  13. Very good. And, as you ended, I had to say that “flint” is one of my spiritual personal words. That is the only way I can focus… so much going out and around us all the time, both socially, spiritually, culturally, etc. Focusing and “flinting” on Jesus and the Word of God is all we’ve got.

    Thank you. This was a “toucher”, sharing/teaching post. Got my attention, which don’t happen all the time easily.

    Bless you.

    1. Dear Joanne
      Yes, dear friend, we need to make a decision in our lives on whom we want to set our minds and whom we want to follow!
      I am glad you were encouraged.
      Much love XX

  14. Maybe few people would equate this with “going back to Egypt”:
    “I missed the false security of belonging to a religious church, of finding my worth in a set of theological doctrines, of not thinking for myself and just gobbling up everything that was dished up onto my religious plate!”
    But it is exactly that. There’s a big difference between true Christianity and Church-ianity, isn’t there? And as soon as we let our church take the place that Christ alone should have, it too becomes an idol.
    Thanks for this wonderful informative and insightful post!

    1. Dear Sylvia
      Oh yes, religion and religious churches to me represent the whore of Babylon. I recall our Lord Jesus calling the religious Jews from their father the devil! Even when we do attend church, we still need to be so discerning.
      Much love XX

  15. It all changes when we bridge that gap – when seek climb up that ladder to Him – and seek Him – to learn to talk to Him – and listen – and really really believe – not just say the words – and it’s in the history – in the bible – in His word – There’s a point when I just went on my knees before God in a challenge – and it was then the word came to life! Blessings to you Mia – in your journey – from rejection to acceptance inside the circle of God’s family!

    1. Dear Friend
      I agree with you about that gap!! We need to cross that gap between the soul and the spirit into our Lord Jesus before we can start walking Him.
      Much love XX

  16. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story here with us at “Tell me a True Story.” Even those who sit in church and have their name on the roles, must each make a personal decision to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Johy 6:37 was the verse that gave my husband assurance that God had received him.

    1. Dear Hazel
      Oh yes, dear one, we all face our Lord God alone and need to accept His invitation to come to Him for ourselves. Without that no amount of going to church means anything!
      Much love XX

  17. I wonder how we can be “in church” for so many years and fail to see Jesus. 😦 The roots of our idols run deep, even when we have the Master right in front of us. So glad you were set free, Mia, and can tell about it so beautifully.

    1. Dear Lisa
      I think we are like the Jews of whom Paul said that their minds were veiled by the evil one every time the law were read. Thankfully he is a slain foe and poses no problem to our Lord.
      Much love XX

  18. It’s easy to judge others weaknesses and idols. My moment of enlightenment was in the form of being broken before God, my idols taken and my pride revealed. It was the hardest moment, but the best thing that ever happened to me. And now I set my face like flint as I travel through a lost world that beckons me with the same lies and promises… and yet I am redeemed.

    The true life stories of our Father’s redemption and love are always the sweetest of stories.

    1. Dear Floyd
      Yes, dear brother, He brings us all to the end of ourselves; to the end of our good and our bad! Only then do we usually give our spirit into His hand and ask Him to glorify His name above all!
      Much love XX

  19. Hello Mia. What a beautiful name. I so enjoyed your post. It was heartfelt and as we say in hippy hood, “right on!” YOu might find my post today refreshing too. God bless you.

    1. Dear Sheila
      It just shows you, dear heart, how we should not think that we can judge another’s relationship with our Lord! Let us rather keep our focus on Jesus and allow Him to lead others.
      Much love

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