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Dancing in The Rain


Gods Thoughts to Me

If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is (2 Tim 2:13)

The Last Waltz


How do I write when all my mushy, swirling, nagging fibro thoughts; even my latest  Diva tantrum, are stolen from my mind or vanishing like the morning mist into thin air.

I vouch for fairies being the culprits, for I smell fairy dust and I hear the twinkling of their bells


How can I paint a beautiful rainbow of tears when the last tear is spent on sorrow and not a little moisture left.

Will you dance the last waltz with me one day when we are old and my hair is grey. Will our hearts still be enthralled for a last time by the rhythm of the violins playing Beethoven’s 9th Symphony?


Will you still lovingly hold my hand for the last time when my Beloved comes to take me home. Please put my hands softly in His and walk a little way along.

Much love and sweet blessings xx


Link with the linky places at Tea Time and Link Ups.


I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

70 thoughts on “Dancing in The Rain

    1. Dear Judith
      Thank you so much for your kindness and prayers. Sometimes I find it much easier to express myself through writing that through talking.

  1. Oh yes, Mia, God is ever faithful. I pray that his loving presence will comfort and strengthen you. I’m always thankful for your comments.

    1. Dear Carol
      Thank you for your kind words! I am so glad our Pappa’s faithfulness is not contingent upon ours! That would have been catastrophic.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Jen
      Thank you for your arms, dear friend! What I love so much about our Pappa, is how we can be so honest and open with Him. He does not condemn us in any way.
      Blessings XX

  2. Mia, I am so sorry for your pain, friend. There is such tender longing in this piece – from one who truly knows the love of the Comforter and Lover of her soul. And that verse from 2 Timothy…how I needed that one. I am praying for you, dear one.

  3. Again your words live a picture in my mind that brings peace. Fibro is a daily companion with me too…stealing precious sleep at night which leaves me with brain fog. So I seek to build up the inner women with God’s Word for the outer woman is frail. Thanks for reminding us of Him.

    1. Dear Betty
      Oh, Fibro surely is a thought and sleep thief! But we know that our Pappa God always supply all the grace we need.
      Blessings XX

  4. I’m praying that your pain in this life will be lessened as you enjoy the comfort of His embrace in this life and wait for it in the next. Thanks for sharing your heart, Mia. Just beautiful!

    1. Dear Beth
      There is just nowhere else we would ever want to live for now and eternity than in our Pappa’s loving Presence!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Sheila
      Yes, these Fibrofog can be downright horrible, but it james me trust our Lord so much more for His thoughts!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Karrliee
      Thank you, my friend! I still have problems commenting on your blog. Let us see what happens Friday! I miss leaving you a little love.
      Blessings XX

  5. God uses you in such an amazing way Mia; you always bring light and hope even in the darkest or most painful moments, to inspire us all because of your amazing love and faith. What an encouraging testimony!

    Blessings and love to you my sweet friend; praying for your pain to be in remission soon.

    1. Dear Denise
      Your comment reminds me how our Pappa first loved us when we were still His enemies. But now we cannot but love Him in return, don’t you think!
      Blessings XX

  6. Mia, how beautiful the love and rhythm of these words. I want to take my hubby in my arms and hold him close til one of us lays the other in God’s arms (that was part of his vow on our wedding day). Praying you will be feeling better.

    1. Dear Janis
      Oh, this is to sweet! Yes, we are so happy when we can walk with our husbands this way before we go home!
      Blessings XX

  7. Having my hand held when I’m sorrowful, sadful, joyful … anything counts. I am a significant hand-HOLDER and hand-HELDER, for want of a better term, I guess. Good thinking and sharing. Thank you.

    1. Dear Joanne
      Yes, we are all part of our Lord’s body and need to be hand holders when we live in our Lord of Love, don’t you think!
      Blessings XX

  8. Even amid pain and suffering He gives beauty…praying for sweet relief to physical symptoms but asking that He allow you to continue to see His beauty.

    1. Dear Marty
      This is why I see Fm/CFS as a blessing! It made me seek our Lord with my whole heart and there is nowhere I ever want to live than in our Lord Jesus and to behold His beauty.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Joanne
      What makes our Pappa so wonderful is that never allows anything in our lives without supplying all the grace we need.
      Thanks for your visit
      Blessings XX

    1. Liewe Jedidja
      Hoe gaan dit met jou? Words from our Pappa’s heart touches one always, I guess! Jy moet ‘n lekker week hê.
      Baie liefde en groete

  9. Your words are so heartfelt, Mia. I am touched and know that our Father is with us and holding us. “For thy Maker is thine husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.” Isaiah 54:5 I often read this to my mother as she had been a widow for over 52 years and often would talk of being so alone for so long. The verse seemed a comfort to her. And it is to me even as I am happily married for over 20 years. Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Dear Linda
      Oh, thank you, my friend, for this verse. We’ve been married for 28 years and love my man so much! But there is only one who is and can ever be our Beloved Husband, our Lord Jesus.
      Blessings XX

  10. We fail, we fall, but our Father lifts us up. He carries us in the palm of His hand with love only His children can grasp… He heals us and makes us strong enough to walk with Him a ways… Beautiful post, Mia. Your heart grabs all who share with you. May we all walk a little way together.

    1. Dear Floyd
      I am so grateful for blogging where we as Pappa’s children can all walk a little way with one another!
      Blessings XX

  11. Sorrow can leach so much from us – take the moisture out those tears because tears fall whether they come as water or spirit. He tells us He will turn our sorrow into joy – and maybe it is more joy, more true because we have sorrow to compare it too. Praying that You feel Him with you. That His peace and Holy Spirit comfort fill you, sustain you like meat sustains the body. That with His hand holding yours you stand against the storm because sometimes just standing is all we can or need to do. He is not surprised. He is prepared. He is fighting this fight for you already:)

  12. Beautiful and has me pouring tears. I’ve never shared this anywhere before, only with my family. Five years ago my husband passed away, unexpectedly. He went from a vibrant man, working one day, to being on life support in two days. When my son and I made the decision to allow the hospital to turn off life support, it was the hardest decision we ever made. As family and I were gathered around, and my son began quoting scripture through his tears, I watched my husband’s last heart beats on earth as they slowly marched across the screen of the machine, then faded. Then Father gave me a glimpse into His realm. I saw my husband leaving, and he turned to tell me it was okay, that all will be well, and that he is waiting for me. I reached out my hands towards him, not wanting to let him go, but at the same time walking a little way along, knowing all would be well. I never had the words to describe that moment, until I opened your blog this morning and found these words; “Please put my hands softly in His and walk a little way along.”

    Dear Mia, I’m not sure what you’re walking through at the moment, but whatever it is, put it softly in His hands.

    1. My dear Friend
      You now me nearly in tears. Thank you for honoring me for telling this story with your husband. How wonderful to know he is waiting for you there where is no impatience. My Fibro/CFS has a nasty visitor, acute bladder infection. So grateful for my medication.
      Blessings XX

  13. Mia, even in your pain, I sense your devotion to our Almighty Father. These beautiful words from your heart have come from this place where God has you at this moment. God is using your pain, your struggle for His glory. Bless you, dear friend, for honoring Him this way. Keeping you lifted in prayer…

    1. Dear Tanya
      Thank you so much, dear friend! I always ask our Pappa to glorify Himself in my life; in the good times, but also the hard times.
      Blessings XX

  14. Dear Mia,
    Sorry to hear you are in pain once more bc of your fibro…praying God will give you relief and peace…you still painted a lovely picture with your words…hugs to you 🙂

  15. Mia,
    I’m thinking of you – praying for relief from bodily pain and for peace and comfort. You always paint beautiful rainbows with your words.

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