Posted in Five Minute Fridays, Lisa-Jo Baker, My Freshly Brewed Life, Prince of Peace

Widows Of The World


God’s Thoughts to Me

Fear not; you will no longer live in shame … You will no longer remember the shame of your youth and the sorrows of your widowhood. For your Creator will be your husband (Isaiah 54:4-5, NLT).

The Crown of Thorns


In the year 33, in the town of Jerusalem, an ordinary thorn tree was stripped of its glory to be weaved by murderous hands into a very special crown of thorns.

In the eyes of man, it was an instrument of torture to belittle and shame the King of the Jews. They were oblivious to the fact that this ordinary man was the  extraordinary Son of God.

Yet, God knew each one of these thorns even before creation. He created them lovingly for a holy, special purpose. They were the jewels in the crown of shame; the crown of the King who became a curse in the stead of man.


It had to spill the Blood of the Lamb, the spotless Lamb who came to be slaughtered to take away the sins of the world. They had to fulfill the prophecy made so long ago by a man called, Isaiah.

Many millennia before, another ordinary thorn-bush in the desert of Sinai, was transformed by the fire of God’s extra-ordinary presence when He visited another ordinary man called Moses.


He transformed this ordinary man into His extraordinary meek and humble friend who freed His people …. His people who were the captives of the king of this world.

Any ordinary bush or heart will do for our humble King. This ordinary bush became extraordinary and could not be destroyed by the fire of God’s Spirit, for He is Love.

Not so long ago, an ordinary girl, consumed by shame and rejection and yearning for heavenly joy, was swept off her feet by the extraordinary fire of God’s passionate love.


He crowned her with a beautiful crown of His grace and mercy. He transformed this broken ordinary girl into and extraordinary woman … He transformed her into His glorious Bride.

Much love and sweet blessings. Xx


Linking with Lisa-Jo Baker and the ladies at my Link-up page.


I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

87 thoughts on “Widows Of The World

  1. Isaiah 54 is one of my favorite chapters, and one reason is b/c the Lord has spread and spread my tent, b/c of the new people entering my life as my kids. I have so many now from ours and other nations. What a blessing. And the fact that the Lord has saved me from a sinful, ungodly girl to become one of His servants always makes me rejoice. Your sharing was very “loverly” as usual, and filled with encouragement. Bless you.

  2. Mia, I love how you connected the crown of thorns with the thorny bush that led to Moses’s fresh calling and mission. As always, you point me to the truth of the Word and its ability to transform my life. Have a blessed weekend, my friend!

    1. Hi dear Allison
      Thank you so much, dear friend. Your words are always such an encouragement and I truly appreciate your visits. Yes, our Lord is the living Word who changes all the lives He touches.
      Blessings XX

  3. Thank God for His gentleness in bringing us to His grace and giving us robes of righteousness that take away the shame. Beautiful sharing, Mia.

    1. Hi Janis
      Oh, He does clothe us in a robe as white as snow; His robes of righteousness. I am so grateful that we can stop trying to wash our dirty clothes of sin and shame with our own efforts.
      Much love XX

  4. Oh, Amen, Beloved. This brings me to tears, Mia. Isn’t God the sweetest of All? Thank you for sharing in such a beautiful, touching way.

  5. Mia, this is so beautiful, both the photos and the words. So many people in our broken world need to hear this message of God’s transforming grace. Thank you for stating it so eloquently.

    1. Dear Nancy
      Oh, I agree, dear friend. Many, many, even those caught in the snare of religion, needs to hear about the beauty of grace, but this is something our Pappa alone is able to reveal to someone’s heart!
      Blessings XX

  6. It is so amazing how God takes ordinary men and women and transforms them into his extraordinary ministers of His Grace. May we bow as an ordinary thorn bush and allow the Fire of the Holy Spirit to burn out all the dross and create in us a new heart. Thank you for sharing with us here at “Tell me a Story.”

    1. Dear Hazel
      I want to add an AMEN to your prayer, my sister! Our Pappa opposes the proud, but lavish His grace on the humble, needy ones; the ordinary broken ones who knows how much we need Him!
      Blessings XX

  7. Dear Mia,
    Yes, He has transformed you into a beautiful women and your words bless…I’m back from Guatemala…thanks for your prayers…pray you are feeling better…I know it is a constant struggle…hugs to you đŸ™‚ Grateful for Him changing you and me đŸ™‚

    1. Dear Dolly
      Welcome back, dear friend. I am so grateful for the opportunity you had to go to Guatemala. Hope you had a wonderful time. Yes, our Lord takes us just as we are, but never leaves us the same.
      Blessings XX

  8. Hi Mia! I loved the way you wove all the stories about thorns. And I never thought of God creating those specific thorns for Jesus, and doing it with love! What a concept!

    This is such a well thought-out post. Thank you!
    Were you able to visit your family this weekend?

    1. Dear Ceil
      Yes, thanks, I visited my family in PE this weekend. I wasn’t able to do much, but nevertheless, I had a good time. Thank you for asking. It means so much to me.
      Blessings XX

  9. “This ordinary bush became extraordinary and could not be destroyed by the fire of God’s Spirit, for He is Love.”
    Lovely. So thankful that can be true for each of us that want it to be so. The love of our Pappa is amazing!

  10. I love that verse in Isaiah, Mia. In fact, I’m reading through Isaiah now and only on the 5th chapter, so it makes me impatient to get to a verse like that and more! You always have such great insight, sweet friend, and I’m so glad God chose you and made you and I His Bride.

    1. Dear Beth
      Isaiah is one of my favorite books of the Old Testament. Isaiah 30:18-22 are my all time favorite verses. You are going to have a ball of a time reading this book. I am just as glad for the honor to be part of His bride.
      Much love XX

    1. Dear Joe
      Our God is the only One who can and loves to transform our ordinary lives into something extraordinary! Thanks for your kind comment.
      Blessings XX

  11. This was a lovely read in the early hours of the morning. Having trouble sleeping due to my fibro…decided to read some soothing blogs…glad I stopped by yours.

  12. Oh yes; He is an extraordinary God full of amazing grace and mercy who can transform and heal us from the inside out! Beautiful Mia!

    Blessings sweet friend; have a wonderful week!

    1. Dear Denise
      Yes, everything our Pappa touches with His love and grace becomes something extraordinary all for His glory!
      Blessings XX

  13. What a heartfelt and beautiful post, and what so many need in this season. God desires INTIMACY with us; it’s that kind of love. Great reminder – have a blessed week!

    1. Dear DaLynn
      People don’t always realize that our Lord absolutely desires intimacy with us and we need to realize that too!
      Blessings XX

  14. YOU just talked about ME!! Consumed by shame and rejection. AND then the Lord broke in. I’ve rejoiced for all these years. ALSO, one of my main sections of scriptural verses is connected to Is. 54, b/c the Lord has healed me inside so beautifully, AND He has had me spread my tent, widened it, for the many kids I know have spiritually… from Uganda, the Bhutanese, my kids and grandkids, and other family. What a blessing. You just made me smile… A BIG GRIN!! Thanks, Mia.

    1. Dear Joanne
      The day before I my Fm/CFS relapse started, God told me to read this chapter in Isaiah. It has carried me through these five weeks that I have been so severely ill. Oh, I know of your love for your wonderful family in Uganda. One of your sons has my oldest son’s name; Simon.
      Blessings XX

  15. A wonderful post that brings glory to our Saviour! I am always awed and humbled by the words and images you use that perfectly blend together as a hymn of praise. This is 5 minutes of pure loveliness. Thank you, Mia, for your loving heart that pours forth in words to bring wonder and blessing to others! Blessings and love for continued inspiration and strengthening as you rest in His loving embrace. Xx đŸ™‚

    1. Dear Joy
      I think if we cannot bring glory and praise to our Pappa God and our King Jesus and enjoy His Presence, life really has no meaning. Thank you for your kind encouragement, dear friend.
      Blessings XX

  16. Love your beautiful words here, sweet friend. Yes…His love truly does make our lives extraordinary! Thank you for this. đŸ™‚

    1. Dear Mel
      This is so true. Even though we are just ordinary people; once the Extraordinary One touches our lives, we truly are new creations!
      Blessings XX

  17. “Any ordinary bush or heart will do for our humble King.” What an amazing statement that is…because it’s true. It happened in Bethlehem, and it happens every day in the hearts of those He draws to Him.

    That’s a fascinating parallel between the crown of thorns and the burning bush. The flame of God’s holy Word certainly spoke through both, leading His people to perfect freedom, redeeming their pain and their shame.

    God bless you, Mia.

    Visiting you from The Weekend Brew…
    Healed By His Wounds

    1. Yes, dear one, our Pappa keeps on surprising us daily with the beauty of His heart and His great plan of redemption!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Carrie
      I am sometimes so totally in awe that the Beautiful One chooses to live His beautiful life in and through us. What an honor.
      Blessings XX

  18. Mia, Mia! This is so beautiful. It has touched me far more than these few words can express. I had been thinking about Isaiah and that very Scripture earlier this week. It drew me in and then the words God has given you drew me close. I thank you for being God’s messenger to me this day.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Dear Linda
      I always tell my husband that when we allow our Pappa to be the source of our words, He knows who needs to be comforted by them. In this case it was you and it brings joy to my heart that He knew your need even before I wrote this post.
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear Barbie
      This is what makes our Lord so very special; He reached down to us, knowing that we can in no ways reach up to Him!
      Blessings XX

    1. Dear sweet Debbie
      Oh, the one thing that I have learned with our Pappa and that is to just be ourselves; the good, the bad and the ugly!
      Love to you

  19. As always Mia written from a heart that see beauty in a crown of thorn. Good post, makes my heart glad I stopped by.

    1. Dear Betty
      Oh, I am always honored by your visits. You encourage me so much with the way you walk your Fibro journey!
      Blessings XX

  20. “Extraordinary fire of God’s passionate love” I love that imagery. So true and so redemptive. He is our extraordinary God!

    1. Dear Rachael
      I don’t think our minds can even begin to imagine His majesty and greatness! He truly is extraordinary!
      Blessings XX

  21. You know, Mia, I have never really thought about the fact that the thorn bush that was used for the crown of thorns had been created by God. That Jesus knew every single thorn. The Creator becoming the Lamb. Yet another example of how our loving Savior willingly laid aside His God-ness to sacrifice His life for us.

    His wounds heal mine.


    1. Dear Sharon
      I always say that no man could have crucified Jesus if it was not His plan from the beginning! He had it all figured out even before He created the world.
      Blessings XX

  22. Mia, I love visiting your place and filling my soul with your words of wisdom. Your 5 Minute Friday reminds me of the words from that song, From The Inside Out. Such a good song. Blessings coming from TGIF.

  23. Dear Mia – I thank Him everyday for sweeping me off my feet – thank you for writing it so beautifully. I hope you have a restful, wonderful weekend.

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