Posted in Chronic Ilness, Egypt, Emily Wierenga, Everlasting Father, False Prophets, Fibromyalgia, Garden of my Heart, God's Father Heart, Heaven, Holy Spirit, Imperfect Prose, Invisible Illness, James Fowler, Jennifer Dukes Lee, Jesus Christ, Playdates at the Wellspring, Religious Deception, Spiritual Kingdom, Spirituality, Suffering, The Kingdom of God

Unlocking Mysteries


God’s Thoughts to Me

And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 16:19, NLT).

It is time we find the Resurrection Stone, and discover the “key” to these religious mysteries, to interpret the gospel as it was intended (Resurrection:  The key to understanding the gospel – James Fowler).

Priestly Prattle


The word “hieroglyphics” is a Greek word that means “sacred” or “priestly carving”. For more than a millennium, from the year 500 BC to 1822 Egyptian hieroglyphics were considered to be a secret code of priests and the key to unlock these mysterious writings was feared to be forever lost.

Until 1799 when some of Napoleon’s soldiers found the Rosetta Stone near the mouth of the River Nile. The same inscription appeared on this stone in three different languages: Egyptian hieroglyphics, Egyptian demotic and Greek.

The Rosetta Stone

But it took the Frenchman, Francois Champollion, 23 years to discover the key to unlock these mysterious writings. In 1822 he translated the symbols and the mystery of hieroglyphics was something of the past.

From as early as I can remember, I was a member of some or other Christian Church, but I was still lost in darkness and didn’t really understand what the gospel was truly about. I was well into my thirties when I first heard about our need to be born again through the sweet Holy Spirit.


Not unlike most of my contemporaries, I knew an awful lot about the gospel. I paid lip service, celebrated and paid homage to the gospel instead of the God of the gospel without ever really knowing or understanding what it was all about.

To say that the Scriptures were a lot like prophetic-apostolic hieroglyphics to me, is nailing the truth right on the head. I used to read everything I could lay my hands on, trying to find the key to unlock the sweet mystery of the gospel of our Lord Jesus.


I was as blind as a bat and lent out my itching ears to a lot of priestly prattling of quite a few deceived teachers and blind guides.

But my ignorance proved to be no problem to our Pappa and in His usual gentle, patient way, He had to use nearly a full bucket of mud to open my spiritual eyes to the simple truth of Jesus. The simple truth we have made a monstrous complexity of!

Suffice to say that for a long time I was happily falling time and time again over the stumbling block, our dearest Lord Jesus, the Cornerstone of our salvation.

I valiantly got up again after every fall, nursing my wounded ego for a while, dusting off my behind and then tried again from scratch.


Until the Rock of All Ages reminded me. “Anyone who stumbles over that stone will be broken to pieces, and it will crush anyone it falls on (Matthew 21:44)”.

When enough was enough, this Stone kindly fell on me, broke me into many pieces and took my legs from right under me through my illness. Gone were the days of my “self” being able to get up again and again.


This became extremely difficult and I had to hoist the white flag in surrender. I knew I needed to start building cautiously on the only Cornerstone through all the ages.

The Master Builder gathered all my broken pieces and glued them all together with His tender love and gentle discipline until I was just a fragile jar of clay with many cracks to allow His Light to shine through.


When one is blessed with a disabling disease, your time of dancing when the religious folk played wedding songs and crying when they played funeral songs, has passed.

I realized that I was not able to carry this burden of Fm/CFS on my own and I was soon knocking earnestly on Heaven’s Door.

True to His wonderful promise, He soon opened the Door to His Kingdom and gave me a wonderful key. This key unlocks the secret of our Resurrected Lord living His Resurrection Life in and through us.


Once we truly realize our need to decrease like John did and we fill up and straighten the roads of our hearts for our King of Glory to enter, we come to know the joy of denying ourselves daily to experience the life in our Pappa.

Through the above-mentioned article of James Fowler, I discovered the Resurrection key; the key to unlock the glorious gospel of Jesus.

Scales fell from my eyes and my heart soared like an eagle that has been released from years of captivity in the prison of religious jargon.


Many Bible verses that used to scare the living daylights out of me, became beautiful flowers in the garden of my heart. The Gardener, none other than the Holy Spirit cultivating flowers with the sweetest nectar to feed my thirsty heart.

The will of our God is one example of the secrets He revealed to my stubborn heart. I used to go on many a wild goose chase trying to determine the specific will of our Pappa for everything pertaining to my life; totally ignoring the sacred gift of common sense that doesn’t seem to be common anymore!

This glorious key unlocked many mysteries of our Pappa’s Kingdom and opened the doors of many prison cells where I was a captive for many, many years; a prisoner of the cruel jailer called Fear!


In my next post, I would love to invite you along a few of the roads to freedom our Pappa has led me and few mysteries He lovingly revealed to me.

Much love and sweet blessings.






















I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

59 thoughts on “Unlocking Mysteries

    1. Dear Rachel
      Oh, the sickness of Pharisism is so deadly and painful! It is truly glorious to be healed of that.
      Luv XX

  1. As always, thank you for Linking up at Thrilling Thursday. I’m excited to read more about what things you’ve been set free from!

  2. Challenging and thought provoking words. As a migraine sufferer with children who also suffer, it’s hard to see loved ones go through sometimes daily pain. But God is always faithful.

    1. Dear Karen
      When our children suffer it breaks our hearts and I am so sorry that your children also suffer from migraines! It makes me think how our Lord must be saddened when His children suffer.
      Luv XX

  3. What a beautiful post, Mia. You remind me so much John Bunyan who wrote Pilgrim’s Progress. Your weaving your words with the images is so engaging.I look forward to your follow up post. Thank you for your faithfulness in linking up on Wednesdays. I really appreciate it, and your posting a prayer. I wrote you back there & prayed “with you” for your son’s injury. Love, Juana

    1. Dear Juana
      Thank you so much for your kind prayer for my son! He had X-rays taken today and the hand still needs to be in plaster-of-Paria for another two weeks. You are encouraging me so much with comparing my writing with John Bunyan’s. What a great soul he is!
      Luv XX

  4. Dearest Mia, Thank you for your visit today. This jumped out of your post for me: “this Stone kindly fell on me, broke me into many pieces and took my legs from right under me through my illness.” I have severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) and Environmental Illness. I became ill many years ago, while my family and I were on the mission field. As debilitating as this illness has been, it has also been the Stone that kindly fell on me, broke, and is still breaking me into many pieces. Love, Love, Love and understand this perfectly: “The Master Builder gathered all my broken pieces and glued them all together with His tender love and gentle discipline until I was just a fragile jar of clay with many cracks to allow His Light to shine through.” Looking forward to your next post. Wrapped with you in Him!

    1. Isn’t it amazing when we think there is nothing more that can break, our Lord gently shows us how much of the “self” is still left!! I am so sorry to hear of your suffering, but also so grateful for the beautiful refining our Pappa did in your heart.
      Love to you XX

  5. Mia,
    What a lovely post and how blessed we are that apart from anything we did God chose to open our eyes! What a gracious and merciful Savior we serve!

    Thanks for the encouragement! I had to giggle at the common sense line. We often say, “Why is it called common sense? It doesn’t seem that common to us.” 😉

    1. Dear Lora
      I think our Pappa knew that common sense would be a rarity in these days. That is why He told us in Proverbs that the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord and common sense!
      Luv XX

  6. I knew a lot “about” Christ before I finally came to “know” him. Now I can’t get enough of him. There’s a different beauty and joy in being a child of the King once it’s personal! Thanks for sharing this, Mia.

  7. I really enjoyed this moving post.

    You wrote of “the simple truth we have made a monstrous complexity of!” That has been done because we are full of wants, motives and agendas which are not of Him, and we refuse the simple call to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him.

    1. Hi Geno
      I think organized religion has made such a monster out of God that we cannot begin to imagine the beauty of denying ourselves and following the One who loves us above all else!
      Luv XX

    1. Hi Lisha
      Thanks so much, dear one! You are always so encouraging and kind and I truly appreciate all your visits!
      Luv XX

  8. I enjoy the beautiful words of comfort even though you walk through this life with thorns. What a gift in the line of Paul you possess. To see this life as the gift of freedom it is and explain it in terms that express love and gratitude is quite a gift. I enjoy it and appreciate you sharing it. Awesome post. The bondage of fear can’t hold the children of the Most High God!

    1. Dear Floyd
      Yes, dear friend, it surely a gift from our Pappa! We as fallen humans are not able to do this! I remember the time when I started praying asking Pappa for a grateful heart that will glorify Him.
      Much love x

  9. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story of finding the simple truth that Jesus is the savior and he will save us from our sins. There are many keys, and in this section or scripture Jesus goes on to explain that our positive words are powerful. Keep posting those powerful words of truth! Thank you for sharing at “Tell me a Story.’

    1. Dear Hazel
      I am so grateful for your linky place every week. Thanks. Also for your kindness and encouragement.
      Luv XX

    1. Dear Jennifer
      This is the month for your book release. I am looking forward. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
      Luv XX

  10. “Once we truly realize our need to decrease like John did and we fill up and straighten the roads of our hearts for our King of Glory to enter, we come to know the joy of denying ourselves daily to experience the life in our Pappa.”

    Yes. A thousand times YES.

    What a beautiful way to express the desire and command of Jesus in order to grow in Him. Thank you for this reminder! May you have a blessed Tuesday!

    1. Dear Angie
      Our world does not take welcome any type of decreasing, except your weight, gladly. But then, our Pappa’s ways are beyond our finite minds’ capability to comprehend!
      Luv XX

  11. Praise God for the freedom He has given you…friend, your words are always a blessing. Thank you for your heart…have a beautiful day! 🙂

    1. Dear Mel
      It is as Paul says that even while our bodies are wasting away, our spirits are renewed daily as we live in Jesus!
      Luv XX

    1. Hi Laura
      That surely is one of the greatest assurances we have; the joy of knowing that we live and have our being in our Lord and His love.
      Luv XX

  12. Hi Mia. Sounds like you have been on an interesting journey finding the “simple” truth of Jesus. I think all believers are on a continuing journey, drawing closer to who Jesus really is and pulling away from our own flawed images of Him.

    1. Dear Gail
      Oh, now you are talking great wisdom. Every one of us is on our own journey and that is sooo… special!
      Luv XX

  13. IT’s like peeling an onion, isn’t it? More and more layers, more and more riches and insight as we move on with Him. Oh, I love how we see His hear in His word!

    1. Hi Barbara
      Oh yes, it is much like peeling an onion! And just like peeling onions, this causes us many, many tears!
      Luv XX

  14. Mia,
    I was captivated by your testimony! I, too, have been “blessed with a disease” (OCD) that has continually drawn me back to my power source – Christ! Thank you for sharing from your beautiful and eloquent heart. I look forward to your next post…

    1. Dear Bev
      Although I am sorry to hear of your difficult illness, I am so glad to see that our Pappa has used this to draw you to Him as well! Nice to meet you.
      Luv XX

  15. Dear Mia,
    How faithful our Lord is in loving us and teaching us.
    It gives me joy to hear your testimony– and the pictures go so well with your words!

    1. Dear Lyli
      And only He is so able to do that. What a relief when we realize we can stop our feeble efforts and hand the reigns over to Him!
      Luv XX

  16. Wow, ‘blessed with a disabling disease’. How many people can say that? But it does seem to have made you so strong in your faith, Mia. You tell is so beautifully.

    Happy to see you again! And thanks for coming by my blog 🙂

    1. Dear Ceil
      It is surely a blessing, albeit in disguise in this case, when our Pappa leads us along the way to our Lord Jesus; even when it is difficult. I was so lost in the world of religion that I would forever be thankful.
      Luv XX

  17. Hello Mia, I love your heart and my spirit has leaped with in me to see your love for Him.
    I am enjoying some of your older post, I was wondering if maybe we might want to put each other on our Blog Roll? I think we could keep track of each others new updates and become blogging friends. I really desire a pen pal kinda relationship with other Godly writers that Blog. I thank you for leaving me a sweet comment. I am praying for you this afternoon.
    Blessings, Roxy

    1. Dear Roxy
      Thanks for your kind invitation! That would just be great. I am sorry that I am so late with my reply. I would love an email from you. My address is on my “Meet Mia” page and I would return to you ASAP!
      Blessings XX

  18. What a profound post, Mia. And I so agree… the simple truth of Jesus. The simple truth we have made a monstrous complexity of! — I say that all the time…so LET’s KEEP IT SIMPLE! So grateful He finally got my attention too and opened my eyes and softened my heart. Like you, it took some hard lessons…Thanks for sharing this…Blessings.

    1. Hi Sheila
      Oh, we are quite blind when all is plain sailing in this world! Only suffering seems to teach us the best lessons.
      Luv XX

  19. Thankfully, God removed that veil that prevented you from seeing His truth and His glory, Mia. I’m grateful that He has done that for me as well–chosen me. I don’t understand how or why, but that’s not important. What is important is just trusting Him and keeping my eyes on Him. I’m preaching these words to myself, Mia! ha! I’m not just saying them to you, since you know them so well and speak of them so passionately here, my friend. Thanks for reminding all of us of His amazing truth and love. Hugs to you!

    1. Dear Beth
      Yes, dear friend, our Pappa’s wisdom is beyond our understanding! Even though a disabling disease is no joke, I am so thankful that He used it to open my mind and my heart to receive our Lord Jesus!
      Luv XX

  20. Mia, I appreciate the post on the KEYS, I am looking forward to the followup post.

    Seeking His Kingdom and His Righteous,
    Pat Orr

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