Posted in Five Minute Fridays, Lisa-Jo Baker, Mighty God

Valley of The Matrix


God’s Thoughts to Me

I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry … Then He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! … I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life'”. (Ezekiel 37:2-5, NIV)

Viewing Fractals


A chariot of fire of the Majesty of Heaven is gliding through the universe on the wings of the Holy Spirit. King Jesus and His Father have heard rumours of great tragedy and unrest in the Valley of the Matrix.

The evil one is enraged by all the prayers rising up to heaven, imploring King Jesus’ speedy return. The Valley of the Matrix that only breeds dry, dead bones from the womb of power is devoid of life and lost in darkness.


When Jesus hears the soul rendering, pitiful cries emanating from all the heaps of scattered dry bones, a single tear of sorrow and love trickles down His cheek into the great darkness.

This single tear explodes through the universe into an eternal Fountain of Life.


His Father embraces Him, “My Son, look at all those dry bones. They are devoid of spiritual life; your life. But you are their priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

I see only fractals where they see death and destruction. Because of your life, every dry bone that is touched by your tears of love, will flower into beautiful flowers in our garden of heaven”.


A great sigh escapes the heart of the King of Light and the Valley of Darkness is for a fraction of time enveloped in a Light more brilliant than the sun.

Much love and sweet blessings


I need to mention that today it has taken me a bit more than five minutes.

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I live in a small seaside town on the south-east coast of South Africa. I suffer from fybromyalgia/constant fatigue syndrome. I trust in the Lord Jesus for grace and strength to survive from day to day. He provides me with this and more and I therefore like to try and encourage others with the same illness. I am married and I am the proud mother of two grown sons.

47 thoughts on “Valley of The Matrix

    1. Dear Jean
      Our talents are also just gifts from our Pappa to be used for His glory, dear friend! Thanks for always being so encouraging.
      Much love

  1. WOW, Mia! Truly powerful and beautiful. The words, the photos, the Truth! Amen.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. Dear Linda
      Thank you, dear one, I appreciate your words of encouragement and I know you are one of His beautiful flowers. I hope you have a pain free week!
      Much love

  2. Mia –
    Beautiful post. I have always loved that portion of Scripture in Ezekiel. Yes, god breathes life into our dry bones! So glad that He does!
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  3. The words of Ezekiel capture attention–and your pictures go along with the words. I am thrilled that our women’s Bible study is going to be studying Ezekiel in depth in the fall. I plan to read through the book this summer.
    Blessings, dear friend.

    1. Dear Carol
      Ezekiel is such a great example of our God who does not leave a stone unturned to bring the woman of His heart back to Him.
      Much love

  4. Beautiful words, Mia. Add to that the fact that you know your Papa’s word so well, it is an honor and pleasure to add them to my soul…

    1. Dear Floyd
      I am always honored by your visits, dear friend. But even better than knowing our Pappa’s words, is knowing Him ourselves.
      Much love

  5. Mia, You have a way of always encouraging when I come here. I don’t feel I get by often enough, but grateful to come here today. Loved this… “Because of your life, every dry bone that is touched by your tears of love, will flower into beautiful flowers in our garden of heaven”. Beautiful my friend. Wishing you a lovely weekend.

    1. Dear Beth
      I really appreciate your visit today. Yes, everything He touches with His love will never be the same afterwards.
      Much love

  6. So reassuring Mia! God has promised to restore us no matter how dry we are; as long as we don’t give up and rather pray for renewal, He can restore us to life!

    Blessings for a weekend of His amazing grace sweet friend!

    1. Dear Charis
      I for one am looking forward so much when everything will be as it is supposed to be from the beginning.
      Much love

    1. Dear Debi
      This is what our new birth is about. These dry, dead spiritual bones being filled with His life.
      Much love

  7. Love this, friend…thank you for the reminder of how He sees us. Blessings and happy weekend! 🙂

    1. Dear Mel
      We need to be reminded often of how He sees us, my friend. This world is so cruel, we need to be reminded often that things will not be this way forever.
      Much love

  8. Powerful imagery! Love the pictures to go with the words. Grateful to share this five minutes with you. Blessings 🙂

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